[s-cars] Coolant T

Ian Duff iduff01 at gmail.com
Sat May 2 17:14:23 PDT 2009

Do the temp sensor, too, and the plastic clip that holds it into the  

You might also consider doing the plastic adapter that goes into the  
back of the engine. It's pretty close to the "T" you're already  
replacing, and it tends to develop a hairline crack that leaks when  
the coolant gets hot and pressurized. Short money, and you'll already  
be searching for the third elbow to work back there anyway. According  
to ETKA, illustration 121-50, it's p/n 034 121 143 E, and uses an o- 
ring that Hanz und Franz call a "round seal 21x3", p/n N 900 351 03.  
Impex claims the adapter is $26.91, and the o-ring is $0.78.

-Ian Duff.

On 02 May, 2009, at 16:06, Wylie Bean wrote:

> $9 @ Impex + shipping.
> Buy at dealer?
> Anything else to be done while in there? temp sensor(s)? Would it  
> make buying from impex worthwhile to do it all at once and spread  
> shipping cost?
> Not trying to make them rich right now as i'm surely not ..  Just  
> ordered brake lines and TB kit from ECS yesterday.
> Wylie Bean (via blackberry)
> 90 cq
> 91 90q20v
> 92 UrS4
> 08 Q7 3.6P
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