[s-cars] Check Engine Light and NO2 smell

Calvin Young calvinyoung at cox.net
Tue May 5 04:53:08 PDT 2009

Need help identifying source of problem.

Coming home from Baltimore last night while at highway speeds, the  
check engine light came on and car lost all power.
Went to the shoulder and cut the car off.  Waited 2 minutes and  
restarted the car.  Car would rev, but put it in gear and it had no  
go, like it had tranny trouble.  Reved  it up a few times, cut it off  
and restarted the car and it took off just fine except there was this  
strong smell of rotten eggs.

Ten minutes later it did the same thing and I repeated the process.   
I repeated the process of cutting it off, etc. and took off again.   
Kept the speeds low as permissible on the highway and no more  
issues.  By the time i got home, 60 miles later car running strong  
and smooth as ever.  No outward signs of anything broken except I  
have had mice in the car recently.

Any suggestions.


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