[s-cars] Window stopped working

airbil airbil at gmail.com
Sun May 10 20:03:50 PDT 2009

I had a frayed cable in the winding mechanism about 3 mos ago.
My symptom was that it basically crunched to a halt about 3/4 of the  
way down and would not go back up.
I had to remove the door panel, cut the cable, prop it up with wood  
and zip ties and got a new to me regulator courtesy chris chambers  
(the man with all the parts.)
I wish I remembered more about the install, but I think you can save  
some steps by just mounting the new motor and cable on your existing  
The S6 regulator motor is for sure different from the S4 but  
everything else is the same.
While in there, check all those crazy rivet type things that suck and  
replacing them will eliminate door slam rattles.
Bill~up n down~ M

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