[s-cars] List traffic?

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Wed May 13 13:49:55 PDT 2009

Hi, sorry, I'm late to this party. Can someone catch me up?

Seems the list has been running nice and smoothly, no issues, no 
worries, no hiccups. Somebody needs to be spanked, a virtual 
spanking is provided.

Methinks this list runs pretty darn smoothly without any formal 

Now that we've had some formal guidance, Paulie is in the corner 
in a timeout, Brett is all excited about something, and Mom, er, I 
mean, Darin is now expected to deal with the mess.

And what's worse, I haven't seen a relevant S-car posting in 

But what do I know, I've only been managing mailing lists since 
1993, so I probably don't know anything useful.

Nice work Brett.


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