[s-cars] List traffic?

jeff postupack jeff.postupack at gmail.com
Wed May 13 15:01:36 PDT 2009

*Your voice DOES mean a lot, thanks for speaking up.. do it more often. *
*Lee's dry humor rings in me ears too. *
*Mike: *
*Nail-Head. Bamm - gotta agree. 100% It's NOT a bad thing getting advance
notice on a choice S-car example.*
*But the List Czar has a different means of governing pre-announced good
news. *
*Brett: *
*Your Internet competition is a mouse click away.. Why oh Why would you want
to drive people away from The' List.*
*Did ya' happen to notice what happened over there on AW? different reason
but.. same end point, poof. *
*I mean, Paul is.. well Paul  a wee bit controversial but highly
entertaining. Pls don't Don't Take Anything personal.. *
*PK Spices up the usual S car list maintenance talk with fun good-STUFF.
He was not enraged, you're exaggerating and pretty sensitive indeed.  Man on
man, so you're Takin Ur Ball & bat and going home?.. let Darin figure it
out? Mom !!!   because you didn't like what you heard? Pls don't Don't Take
Anything personal..*
* Makes me think of Carrie Prejean stuffing that gay um guy.. . (get off it
Posto- but she did a marvelous deed for humankind) Total babe too.. and a
strong woman. *
*PK opening the Kimono-  he was doing you a favor and you put him in time

*Then ya gotta ask yourself, what your main attraction if he just wanders
off to cooler pastures?  *
Jeff Posto *
*PS: I' m prolly banned too, now.. but it twas fun rolling in the mud. *
*Michael Lardizabal* mikellardizabal at yahoo.com
*Wed May 13 14:39:25 PDT 2009*

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As one thats always looking for cars , I find the "Word of Mouth" trickle
down mentions to be invaluable, especially if its more of a buyer beware
scenario. How could this be a bad thing ? I hardly go to AF unless its a
part that I'm looking for which is rare. Hmmm , we get enough politics in
real-world time, one would think the S List could,or should be a place where
all good things about Audi's and cars would be welcomed fare.

 --- On Wed, 5/13/09, Mark Strangways <strangconst at
wrote: From: Mark Strangways <strangconst at
Subject: Re: [s-cars] List traffic? To: lee at
at audifans.com <http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list> Date:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 5:00 PM After a brief check back, it seems Brett
has scolded (again) Paulie for doing what Paulie does best.. Give us a heads
up / first look at stuff that may be cool to own. I like the heads up, and
have zero issues with it on the list (not that my meger voice means much). I
don't go to the market place, nor do I intent to. It never seems to pop in
my head to do so. Now someone go let Paulie back in, it's still a bit chilly
out there.Mark

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