[s-cars] Fwd: How failtastic is the B7 S4 automatic / How Brettastic is Brett?

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Wed May 13 16:58:46 PDT 2009

WTF, Je5us krist and Holy Sh*t Bat man!

I'm away from the list for one day and this shit goes down.

Me thinks some people take themselves WAAAAY too seriously.

awaiting the next PK post of JNR

--- On Wed, 5/13/09, Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Joe Pizzimenti <joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Fwd: How failtastic is the B7 S4 automatic / How Brettastic is Brett?
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Date: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, 12:16 PM
> *OH SNAP* Dude - you truly MUST get
> ove...
> Sent from Gmail for mobile
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: pkrasusky at ups.com
> Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 12:05:32 -0400
> Subject: RE: [s-cars] How failtastic is the B7 S4 automatic
> / How
> Brettastic is Brett?
> To: brett.dikeman at gmail.com,
> iduff at comcast.net
> Cc: s-car-list at audifans.com,
> editor at s-cars.org,
> dan at audifans.com,
> pcschulz at comcast.net,
> joe.pizzimenti at gmail.com,
> wmahoney at disk.com
> Dude - you truly MUST get over yourself.  It wasn't a
> FS post, and,
> it's not even my car, AND it's not like these things hit 1x
> month or
> remotely close.
> Surely you jest (sadly you don't)?  Suspended
> me?  haHA!  Awesome.
> Heh, I'm dying here Brett.
> I go out of my way to reply to your inquiry to try and
> genuinely help,
> on a List I don't much post to much any more.  Help
> with both your
> question, as well as offering up a potential alternative
> figuring it
> might be something of your interest.  You go and reply
> with a Holier
> Than Thou reply to both points, then BAN ME?
> It's downright sad Brett...  as it (albeit briefly)
> DID seem as tho
> maybe just maybe you'd finally at long last succeeded at
> being less a
> douche nozzle here lately (digging back into my
> Pizzo-archive for that
> one) - I'm being genuine here - that's a compliment
> even.  Fool me
> once shame on you fool me twice, well.
> I'd suggested here yeaarrrrrrs ago that you most apparently
> suffered
> an utmost severe deficiency in having your arse kicked as a
> child (and
> now adult apparently).  I'd come up there and do it
> for you this
> mornin' if - IF - I hadn't also yearrrrrrrrss ago
> subsequently
> suggested that it would be best for you to go right on
> ahead and kick
> your OWN arse (awwww, puhleeeese don't go crying to Paul
> Royal on this
> *again*).
> Brett, let me assure you of this...  this is not a
> stance you will be
> comfortable / advised in taking.  Ha! at any / all the
> thoughts that
> race to me mind over the prospect.  Ha!
> and
> Brett, as you have sooooooooo many times before been told
> from
> sooooooo many from allllllllllll the Lists (and a repeat of
> my above
> statement), you truly DO need to get over yourself. 
> I've kindly
> included as an unfortunately necessary reminder of 'such'
> feedback,
> nice 'n hot, only a few hours old - should be making it to
> the List
> any moment now Genius.
> Your move, Your Exaltedness. (cc'd a few others above to
> copy / paste
> my reply seeing as His Holiness is bending things to only
> suit
> hisself)
> -Paul
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett.dikeman at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:05 AM
> To: Ian Duff
> Cc: Krasusky Paul (WQQ2PXK); s-car-list at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] How failtastic is the B7 S4 automatic
> / How
> Brettastic is Brett?
> On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:28 AM, Ian Duff <iduff at comcast.net>
> wrote:
> > Gee, Paulie, what happened to your next post?
> After a polite reminder of the rules, he taunted that he
> was going to
> post again a vehicle for sale, so I temporarily added his
> address to
> the hold-for-approval list until he calmed down.  Any
> posts that are
> appropriate will go through, but he'll have to wait for
> Darin or I to
> see it in the queue, which may take a few hours.
> From the listinfo page for s-car-list:  "Also, please
> refrain from
> posting classified ads or other promotional materials on
> the list.
> Classifieds should be posted within the marketplace or
> Classifieds at s-cars.org."
> We have some of the most liberal rules of any Audi-related
> forum and
> ask very little of those that choose to join our
> community.  One of
> the is that you not post for-sale items or advertise on the
> lists- and
> we give you another free resource as an alternative. 
> That alternative
> is extremely popular and well utilized, receiving a few
> thousand
> unique daily visitors.  This rule has stood for many
> years and has not
> changed, despite our varying free time to enforce it. Darin
> and I see
> eye-to-eye on this rule.
> http://www.audifans.com/pipermail/s-car-list/2005-June/041613.html
> Anyone who violates the rules or feels it necessary to spit
> into the
> wind may find their posts held for approval (most likely
> temporarily)
> as well. I don't anticipate this being a regular
> occurrence.
> I agree that the rule is unfortunate because it prevents
> rare/interesting cars (we're talking Bring-A-Trailer
> rare/interesting)
> from being brought to the attention of listers, though
> there is
> nothing to stop the creative from posting classifieds ads
> for these
> vehicles in the marketplace, or telling the owner/seller
> about the
> marketplace.  I'm considering a list specifically for
> this sort of
> purpose, since there is clearly interest.  I think the
> only way it
> would work would be if it were moderated, since a lot of
> people coming
> across Audifans would think that's where their A4 1.8
> automatic
> belongs because it's a rare mauve color.  It never
> ceases to amaze me
> how many people email the marketplace list demanding to
> know why they
> can't post to it :(
> I'll run it past Dan and if he gives the go-ahead, I'll
> solicit
> volunteers for moderating it, maybe 2-3 people.  Any
> suggestions on
> names?
> -Brett
> -- 
> Sent from Gmail for mobile | mobile.google.com
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