[s-cars] List traffic?

Eric Phillips gcmschemist at gmail.com
Wed May 13 16:57:37 PDT 2009

> Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 17:00:47 -0400
> From: "Mark Strangways" <strangconst at rogers.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] List traffic?
> After a brief check back, it seems Brett has scolded (again) Paulie for
> doing what Paulie does best..
> Give us a heads up / first look at stuff that may be cool to own.
> I like the heads up, and have zero issues with it on the list (not that my
> meger voice means much).
> I don't go to the market place, nor do I intent to. It never seems to pop in
> my head to do so.
> Now someone go let Paulie back in, it's still a bit chilly out there.

Agreed.  I understand about rules.  But as every parent  (and dog
owner) knows, there are rules, and then there are RULES.

Using rules as a bludgeon to whack someone you don't care for is not
the best choice, IMO.  Brett, and Darin, we all know the rules here.
And for the most part, we all follow them.  I have never seen one of
our regulars come in here and offer a whole list of shit FS - he would
(rightly) get shouted down for being a lout.  Guys, we *know* The List
is not a Marketplace.  That having been said, If Bob has an ECU lying
around FS, and one of the guys says "hey, anybody got an ECU?", Bob
should just keep his mouth shut?  NFW.

If PK knows a guy who's got a sweet ride FS, then if he comes on here
and says, "Hey, I know a guy with a sweet ride FS.  It's this
supercharged Trabant that totally kicks cardboard door panel ass!"
And anyone who might be interested in Ostdeutschland's finest offering
could e-mail him.  Or if someone wrecks their S-car (doG forbid) and
mentions that he might be parting it - those things are *services* to
this list, and do not violate the spirit of the rules, even if they
violate the letter.

Frankly, I'd much rather wade through Paulie's tortured prose on a
particular potenital FS car than read another syllable of some boring
ramble about the Rocky Mountain chapter of As The World of ACNA Turns
(My Stomach).  PK is a long-time poster and ummm, well, "respected"
might not be the right word - *prolific* writer about stuff Audi, and
that *should* count for something.

Brett, Darin - the rules are there for a reason.  And the reason isn't
to prevent we band of step-brothers from helping one another out with
parts and stuff.  It's to keep the list mostly about tech sorts of
things, and keep the free advertisers from dropping in and spamming us
into oblivion.  We can certainly self-police when it comes to OTT FS
crap.  But damn, if someone here is going to offer me a shot at some
decent German car FS, rather than me having to go to some stranger,
I'd rather have the rule bent a little in light of the community we
have here.  Hell, when I want to get some sort of P-car here in the
next decade or so, I hope PK is still around so that he can point me
in a reasonable direction.

Don't take my word for it.  Ask the folks who use The List.


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