[s-cars] Wowzas... The list lives?

Darin Nederhoff scarsgo at gmail.com
Wed May 13 18:19:46 PDT 2009

Holy smokies,

You guys would have to plan your chaos on a day when I am away from  
the computer.

After carefully reading through the few hundred posts clogging my  
inbox I think the solution is simple. I think Pizzo still has the t- 
shirt "Frankie says Relax" and I believe those words apply nicely here.

This list generally does self-police itself fairly well and most of  
you know I try to let things flow without much intervention. If I were  
getting numerous emails complaining of a certain member's posts I'd  
take it up with that member. That hasn't been the case however.

So in a nutshell, back to our regularly scheduled Audi banter eh?   
Let's please let the flames go out on this one...

My .02

Darin Nederhoff

Sent from my iPhone

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