[s-cars] RH signal

Matthew Russell skippertgore at gmail.com
Fri May 22 05:02:59 PDT 2009

Dave- wow, you really should charge by the hour for KATE help. 8-)  
Thanks. I was very close. I was also trying to figure out how to  
search where p/n's are used and how many cars they might match up  
with. Now I know how to do that too.

Thanks so much for the advice!

Matt, CO

On May 22, 2009, at 12:23 AM, David Forgie <forgied at shaw.ca> wrote:

> Matt: Oh so close. You are correct in thinking that the A6 signal is  
> the same as the S6 front
> signal. One minor problem. The PN you selected, 4A0 953 050 D, is  
> for a right hand
> side front signal light (which you wanted) BUT you forgot to change  
> the Market from LOCAL
> Market (Europe) to the USA before selecting your car, i.e. A6Q. So  
> what you have is the Euro PN.
> When you start up, change the market to USA, then pick A6Q, then  
> year (1995), then select the
> binocular symbol, then enter "signal" into the NAME box and hit  
> search. You will get at list of things
> with that name, click on the appropriate one, in this case "turn  
> signal". You should get a jump to
>  illustration 953-10 (notice the first three numbers of the  
> illustration are the middle three numbers in
>  the PN).  You are looking for item No. 6:
> 4A0 953 049 E (Left) - note odd numbers generally = left (as in  
> "lefty's are odd")
> 4A0 953 050 E (Right) - even number ==> right side
> As you can see, the only difference between the Euro PN and USA PN  
> is the "D" designation versus
>  the "E" designation.  In this case D = Europe and E = USA (just the  
> way it worked out).
> Hope that helped somewhat.
> The real fun is using the binoculars and ATP = part number cross  
> reference. Select all models,
> the enter the PN you are looking for (maybe after finding it on the  
> name search (sorry, no cut and
> paste and no blanks in the PN either) and then hit search.  It will  
> come up with a bunch of models
> that that part was used on. In many cases, it includes older cars  
> that you mind find at a wreckers =
> source of a used part.
> Or so I was told.
> Personally, I just ask my friend Kate.
> ;>)

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