[s-cars] RS6

airbil airbil at gmail.com
Tue May 26 18:20:59 PDT 2009

Mike edumicated:	
"                How many twin turbo V8s were ever made in anything  
approaching mass
                  production?  Let's make a list...

                  288 GTO ("mass" production)
                  F40 (same)
                  V8 Esprits                          "

Mike et. al.,
Back at you with; wow, maybe yuze college guys do know stuff.
These are points well taken.   V8 tt's ?  Right.  How many of those
are there from the factory?
WRT mtce. issues, again, great points!  You can't have a so called
super car and think it should have the longevity of a Honda.
I think the RS2 is, or was a supercar and constantly console
myself with the line of thought to justify ubiquitous tinkering,
because I know when it's right, oh momma, etc. and so on.  Just
today driving home seeking redline, windows down, lady gaga
love game (what is a disco stick?) uhmm, a little loud... I was
traffic light interviewed window to window by some new MB driving
guy.  Usual line of questioning, i.e. "what is that?"  S6 with RS2
motor but how many in the rest of the galaxy know anything about
WRT trans issues, I have the good fortune to live literally 5 minutes
away from the "Tozo D2 Tranny Fixit Shop."
He can fix these in his sleep... and oh, AFAIK, has also done the
only auto to six speed lobotomy that I know of.
So, okay then, let's add der RS6 to der watch list and see if planets
Bill~experimental post layout~M
ps   still wish we had a shot at der neu RS6        http://news.autocarpoint.co.nz/portals/0/ACP_MediaGallery/34571/10449_p.jpg

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