[s-cars] Hankook Winter Tires (totally out of season)

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Fri May 29 08:19:12 PDT 2009

I have the W300's on a 93 S4 and a 02 WRX.  They have been great Winter 
tires on both cars.  They may not be as aggressive as some snow tires, but 
they are quiet, wear well, and have very good traction in all snow 
conditions.  It's the best tire that I have had in a long time. I've had no 
experience with the WS6.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Abe Berman" <yellowcuda at gmail.com>
To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Cc: "Paul Krasusky" <pkrasusky at ups.com>; "Robert Rossato" 
<rossato.qlist at gmail.com>; "Tom Mullane" <tmullane at gmail.com>; "jeff 
postupack" <Jeff.Postupack at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 6:15 PM
Subject: [s-cars] Hankook Winter Tires (totally out of season)

> Hey there fellas,
> Long time no post, guess that's what all you dad's have been talking about
> when you say there's no time for playing with cars....
> Buying some snows for our "new to us" 05 Passat GLX 4 Motion variant.
> Purchased some like new ASA 16x7 rims to run them on.  I am running
> 225/50/17's on the OEM wheels.  I am thinking 205/55/16's on the ASA's.
> Being a freak (and having full buy in from Wifey right now), I want to buy
> snows now so I am set for when the Vermont snow starts flying, sometime in
> late August me-thinks...
> So, thinking either Blizzak WS6's from Tirerack for $105 each plus $49
> shipping or Hankook W300 Icebear's from Discount Tire Direct for $96 each
> (free shipping).  I ran the WS6's on my, "ahem", Integra last winter and
> they were terrific.  I am hearing that the Hankooks are glorified All
> Seasons.
> Anybody care to share some of their experience with the Hankooks?  Of
> course, open to other suggestions, but I don't want to start a Torsen 
> thread
> here or anything...
> I should say that this is for use on the family hauler, so safety is my
> first goal, next is price.  I am not concerned about all out performance
> whilst ice-drifting...
> Thanks in advance,
> Abe Berman
> Burlington, VT
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