[s-cars] S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 72, Issue 8

Ed DiGregory ed at 12v.org
Mon Oct 5 12:08:21 PDT 2009


I bought a set of Gislavad Nordfrost 3's last winter and LOVE them.  
Car is an absolute tank on those tires. I asked the Gislavad  
distributor about the Generals, he claims that the rubber compound is  
NOT the same despite the tread being identical. But of course he WAS  
selling the Gislavads.


On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:00 PM, s-car-list-request at audifans.com wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  Snow tahrs (chris chambers)
>   2. Re:  Dunlop Graspic DS3 Snowies (JAM)
>   3. Re:  Dunlop Graspic DS3 Snowies (Grant Lenahan)
> Gentz,
> yes the Generals are the same as the Gislaved Nordfrost, and if
> I recall correctly they are owned/manufactured by the same parent  
> company.
> I bought the Gislaved, and after I bought them I was told by someone  
> that the Genral
> version is the previous version each year. Don't know if that is  
> true or not, do know that
> the 15" Gislaved Nordfrost worked equally well in the snow as did my  
> previous Nokian tires.
> And that  I received price matching from Discount Tire based on  
> their assertion that yes they
> were the same.
> Chris
> ----- Original Message ----
>> From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
>> To: "S-Car-List at Audifans.Com" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Sent: Mon, October 5, 2009 12:40:43 PM
>> Subject: [s-cars] Snow tahrs
>> Hi Y'all,
>> Greg has been recommending Gislaved (Nordfrost, IIRC) snows.  I got a
>> set a while back and found them to be pretty decent for winter
>> use.  BTW, studs are optional - an extra cost option at that.  There
>> is no reason for them to be required unless you just want studs or
>> drive most of the winter on hard ice.
>> A while back Chris Chambers posted this:
>> Gentz,
>> after doing alot of research and finding a lot of praise I opted  
>> for the
>> Gislaved Nordfrost tires. These tires have consistently ranked highly
>> in tests/reviews.
>> The local Discount tire had them in stock, quoted me $85 ea. which  
>> was
>> better than Greg Galinsky had quoted, and they were already here so I
>> wouldn't have to pay for shipping.
>> My research confirmed that General Altimax Artic is the same tire
>> as the Gislaved Nordfrost. Continental owns both General and  
>> Gislaved,
>> has reporteddly confirmed they are the same tire and the local  
>> Discount
>> tire rep agreed with this.
>> Conincidentally Discount Tire asks $85 for either tire, while the
>> Tire rack currently has the General Altimax Artic 195-65-15 for $57.
>> With printouts in hand from Discount Tire and Tire rack's websites
>> I asked for a price match and received one.
>> Including mounting and balancing total cost for 4 new Gislaved
>> Nordfrost 5 tires was $297.68
>> Hope this info helps anyone else shopping for snow tires.
>> Chris
>> Assuming that Chris has his facts straight (and I have no reason to
>> doubt him) then the General snows look to be a pretty good buy.
>> Bob
>> Remember, keep the shiny side up.
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> I have no experience with the Dunlops but.........
> I have a set of the General Altimax Arctic and I have been quite  
> impressed, especially for the money.  I think they're the same tire  
> as the Nordfrost 3, not 5.  On the S6 sedan with locked RD, they  
> blasted right through an ice base and 10" of snow up a very steep  
> grade, notably where the neighbors' Pathfinder and F150 4x4s  
> couldn't go.  They had a good feel and inspired plenty of confidence  
> while travelling on snowy days.
> I also had a set of the Pirelli Snow Carving and they were also a  
> rockin' tire for the $$$.
> Jason Mawhinney
> '95.5 S6 avant
> '95 S6 sedan
> '83 urq
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "LL - NY" <larrycleung at gmail.com>
> To: "Bares, Vittorio" <Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com>
> Cc: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 12:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Dunlop Graspic DS3 Snowies
>> Bob Meyers forwarded a post by Chris Chambers that states that the  
>> General
>> Altimax Artic is the same tire as the Gislaved Nordfrost 5. Even  
>> though I
>> want to avoid studs, at the price that these seem to be going at,  
>> they may
>> well be my new snow tire.
>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Bares, Vittorio
>> <Vittorio.Bares at nuance.com>wrote:
>>> They are squirmy.
>>> They are good on ice and pretty good in snow. Excellent actually  
>>> for the
>>> price.
>>> IMO they also have a short life, as only 1/2 of the tread is a  
>>> winter
>>> tire - when you wear 1/2 way down - they are now all season (at  
>>> least
>>> the DS1's and 2s)
>>> Vittorio -
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of David Cahill
>>> Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 12:09 PM
>>> To: LL - NY; s-car-list at audifans.com
>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Dunlop Graspic DS3 Snowies
>>> A close friend has the Graspic DS2s on his B5 A4. My driving  
>>> impression
>>> was
>>> that they were squirmy on highway curves, but had a good open tread
>>> pattern
>>> for clearing snow. I didn't get to try them on ice. The price is
>>> definitely
>>> right.
>>> On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 11:58 AM, LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com>  
>>> wrote:
>>> > Anyone with experience with them, or their predecessors, the DS2?
>>> >
>>> > Nokians have priced themselves out of contention for my current
>>> budget.
>>> >
>>> > TIA,
>>> >
>>> > LL - NY
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>>> > S-CAR-List mailing list
>>> > http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list
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>>> >
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> serious snow tire - not much of a driver though.
> Do you really need more than  M3/3D?I'm a big fan of Wintersport  
> M3/3Ds
> LL - NY wrote:
>> Anyone with experience with them, or their predecessors, the DS2?
>> Nokians have priced themselves out of contention for my current  
>> budget.
>> TIA,
>> LL - NY
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