[s-cars] Airbag reset port?
jc at j2c3.com
Fri Oct 30 08:38:16 PDT 2009
"is there any way to make it go out"? hmm question sounds so familiar...
wait, I get it... you mean is there any way to make it go out aside from the
hmmm, lesssee sure, lots of ways:
1. electrical tape on the instrument panel. (hear no evil, see no evil. been
done before.)
1.b. apply black rustoleum spray paint to instrument panel (see option 1)
2. pull instrument panel and remove bulb. (wouldn't be the first time it's
been done.)
3. ball peen hammer to dashboard. (will take many strikes I expect but keep
at it and you'll get there.)
3.b. framing hammer. (see option 3)
4. douse interior in gasoline, apply match, run. return next day to confirm
light no longer on. repeat if necessary.
5. pay professional mechanic to use Vag-type tool (strike that, that's still
6. borrow Vag-Com setup from friendly wise-ass local Audi enthusiast in
return for frosty beerverages. (DITTO)
7. buy vag-com for yourself and enjoy numerous benefits (DITTO)
8. be a cheapskate and download free vag-com software version from interweb
and try to use one of the cheap chinese knock-off cables. (DITTO)
8. never start car again. post parking location of car for parts-hungry
fellow listers.
9. train family of Norwegian rats to gnaw electrical wires, lock in interior
for extended period of time.
10. leave lights, radio, AC fan, and any other accessories on until light
goes out.
11. remove instrument cluster and replace with decoupage panel made from
lacquered starfish and seashells.
12. poke right eye out with sharp stick so you can only see left side of
I could keep going for hours. perhaps other listers will have suggestions?
From: AaronT [mailto:atay101 at gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 23:07 PM
To: JC
Cc: chris chambers; Scar
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Airbag reset port?
I too have the airbag light on issue. Is there any way to make it go out -
I dont have a vag-com tool.
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 7:32 PM, JC <jc at j2c3.com> wrote:
It's integrated into the bus on later cars like S6. aka general purpose
VAG-COM tool on the OBD port. I do it all the time after battery
disconnected (or my reverse-light fuse blows... still need to fix that...)
not true of earlier cars which required plugging right into the airbag
module (deep in the center console IIRC?)
> das s6 sat for about 10 days, when I started it (fired right
> up) the airbag light popped on.
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