[s-cars] S6A Rear Bumper HITCH???

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Sat Sep 12 06:42:13 PDT 2009

I just put a Class 1 receiver hitch on our '09 Jetta Sportwagen TDI  
from http://www.thehitchstore.com/. It took about 35-40 minutes to  
install, and attaches to what appear to be quite beefy parts. I was  
very impressed with both the build quality and the ease of  
installation. It actually took me longer to wire the lights.

They list a Class 1 receiver hitch for the 1995 "A6 Avant including  
quattro" for $314.66 http://www.thehitchstore.com/class-i-receiver-hitch-p-118.html 
. The installation instructions indicate it attaches to frame rails.

Best regards, Meilleures salutations, 此致敬礼, Mit freundlichen  
   Con i migliori saluti, مع أطيب التحيات, Cordiales  
saludos, के साथ सबसे अच्छा संबंध  
   A mais melhor consideraçāo, によろしく


Ian Duff | 38 Grove Street | New Bedford | Massachusetts | 02740 | USA
V: +1 (508) 717-8058 | E: ian at inside-overlap.com | F: +1 (801) 335-1661

Think Green!  Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely  

On 11 Sep, 2009, at 17:06, Beer, Jerald S. wrote:

> I got my D'Lan hitch years ago from (don't laugh) Pep Boys!! Don't  
> know if they still stock the items from the replacement company.
> It showed for a 200 not for a 200 turbo quattro because the muffler  
> interfered. It did. Removed muffler, replaced with straight pipe, no  
> issues at all for at least 10 years!
> Regards,
> Jerry
> 91 200tq
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