[s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem

mpollan1 at aim.com mpollan1 at aim.com
Mon Sep 14 09:10:50 PDT 2009

Hey Brian, I'm in Silver Spring and work in Columbia?  Be glad to help out.  Drop me a PM and we can work out the details.


-----Original Message-----
From: Wylie Bean <theringmeister at triad.rr.com>
To: Brian Armstead <barmstea at voanews.com>; s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2009 11:19 am
Subject: Re: [s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem

he Potomac Chesapeake Region of the ACNA has a yahoo groups email list that may 
e a big help locating a VAG-COM if you can't find an S-car lister locally that 
as one.  Don't have the web address for the group on yahoo but it should be 
asy to find.  
ylie Bean
heRingmeister at triad.rr.com
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2 UrS4
8 Q7 3.6
ent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
-----Original Message-----
rom: Brian Armstead <barmstea at voanews.com>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 11:10:04 
o: Brett Dikeman<brett.dikeman at gmail.com>
c: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
ubject: Re: [s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem

The light came on after I had the 034 brake kit installed by a local 
echanic.  The guy's work was sloppy as hell, love the brakes though!
I don't know what ablative caps are, so I can't answer that one.  Anyone 
n MD, DC, DE, VA with a VAG-COM?
Brett Dikeman wrote:
 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Brian Armstead <barmstea at voanews.com> wrote:

> Brake pad sensor light is off after I did what you suggested - thanks.
> Took out the ABS sensors,  cleaned them, blew out the cavity with air,
> and rei
nserted firmly.

 Are C4 platform ABS sensors spaced with ablative caps, as on the C3's?

 Second question: did the light originally come on immediately, or
 after the car had been moved a bit?  If it was the latter, then
 something in the ABS controller self-test found a fault.  The major
 thing that is tested then is the ABS valve unit (which is what causes
 your headlights to dim for a second when backing out of a driveway at
 night, etc.)  Seems extremely unlikely (only thing I can think of
 would be some rust or dirt was pushed back up from the old calipers
 and got stuck in the unit), but I agree with Tom- you really do need
 to pull codes to find out why that light is on.

 Where are you located?  Someone with VAGCOM might live nearby. Make
 sure they have the proper version and cables (are the S-cars 2x2

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