[s-cars] 16" Avus wheels and ECS Stage 3

racingiron at comcast.net racingiron at comcast.net
Wed Sep 16 09:35:12 PDT 2009

Taka wrote: 
> Getting a Boxster caliper and appropriately sized rotor is not 
> going to improve your braking significantly, if at all- the pedal 
> feel will improve over a sliding caliper brake setup, but your 
> stopping power is going to be significantly less. 

That's a bit of hyperbole there, Taka. You may not get *significant* improvement on a C4 chassis, but it will certainly be better. An "appropriately sized" rotor for a Boxster caliper is something in the range of 298x24 (stock boxster). That compares favorably to the G60 276x25. Those running Boxsters on an urS are likely using an Audi 312x25 rotor, which, though adding rotating and unsprung mass, also has a larger heat capacity. 

"Stopping power is going to be significantly less"?! Sorry, but I'm a bit confused by that comment. My only personal experience with the Boxster brakes is on my urq with a 300x25 rotor. That setup beats the G60 hands down, both on the street and the track. I'm sure the heft of an urS is easily capable of overwhelming a Boxster package when pushed hard, but I'm confident in saying that the stock system would be well beyond overwhelmed at that same point. 

Eric R. 
'86 urq 
'92 urS 
'93 urS 

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