[s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem - VAG COM

Brian Armstead barmstea at voanews.com
Thu Sep 17 06:53:01 PDT 2009

Thanks Tom.  I'll see if I can track one down.


Tom Green wrote:
> Brian,
> The lack of communication with the ABS points to a faulty electronic 
> control
> module under the rear seat.  The best course may be to source one from 
> the
> many cars being parted out.  My guess is they are common until the 
> 95.5 model.
> It is easy to access under the back seat to confirm part numbers.
> Tom
> On Sep 17, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Brian Armstead wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply Tom.  Mark did clear all codes, but the light 
>> remains on...
>> Brian
>> Tom Green wrote:
>>> I had mentioned in the fine print that some S4 owners were having  
>>> problems
>>> scanning the ABS module.   I guess we need an affirmation from at  
>>> least one
>>> that they can scan the module.
>>> I believe Ian has the Airbag control module mixed up with the ABS.   
>>> The airbag
>>> controller and connectors for early models are indeed in the center  
>>> console.  The
>>> ABS electronic controller is under the rear seat, drivers side.  I  
>>> know of no direct
>>> reading connectors for VAG-COM, though.  The fault codes are stored 
>>> in  the ECU.
>>> It could be that the fault has been corrected but the fault remains  
>>> until cleared in
>>> the ECU.  Try clearing all the codes and perhaps the light will 
>>> clear  also.
>>> Tom
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:50:34 -0400
>>>> From: "Mark Pollan" <mpollan1 at aol.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem - VAG COM
>>>> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>>>> Message-ID: <c3c.617310ad.37e2e1e4 at aim.com>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="us-ascii"
>>>> Gents:
>>>> I met up with Brian this evening to pull codes and I could not 
>>>> read/ connect
>>>> to the ABS module.  I first ran Autoscan and some trivial codes 
>>>> came  up but
>>>> no reading on ABS.  Going directly to the ABS module and no  
>>>> connection.  I
>>>> tried several times to no avail.  I have access to an old HEX COM  
>>>> with the
>>>> OBD II connector and the 2x2 adapter dongle.  I would have 
>>>> suspected  the
>>>> dongle but connection was established with other controllers.
>>>> Thoughts?  Is it possible the controller itself is messed up?  I  
>>>> rang up
>>>> Mark Turczyn as I had already pestered Manny Sanchez and Mark 
>>>> though  maybe
>>>> the no read condition is due to a bad connection to the ABS controller
>>>> itself.  Seem plausible?  Where might the controller be located as 
>>>> I  gifted
>>>> my Bentley to Mark when I sold the S6.
>>>> Any and all insights are greatly appreciated.  Brian is a hell of 
>>>> a  nice guy
>>>> and I'd love to see this to closure but your help is definitely  
>>>> needed.
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Mark
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