[s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem - VAG COM

Brian Armstead barmstea at voanews.com
Thu Sep 17 07:34:37 PDT 2009

Thanks Mark.  I'm going to make sure my idiot wrench did not somehow 
disconnect the module, as he did my dual amp power cable under the rear 
seat first.


mpollan1 at aim.com wrote:
> *Many* thanks to all of you fine people.? Hey Brian, Audifans marketplace has somebody selling the ABS module.? http://www.audifans.com/marketplace/show.php?table=pm_audifans_Parts&id=12855
> Give a holler and let's hook up.? Definitely let me know how Fryday night trolling goes in the R8 :-)
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Armstead <barmstea at voanews.com>
> To: Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net>
> Cc: Scarlist <s-car-list at audifans.com>; mpollan1 at aol.com
> Sent: Thu, Sep 17, 2009 9:53 am
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem - VAG COM
> Thanks Tom. I'll see if I can track one down.?
> ?
> Brian?
> ?
> Tom Green wrote:?
>> Brian,?
>> ?
>> The lack of communication with the ABS points to a faulty electronic > control?
>> module under the rear seat. The best course may be to source one from > the?
>> many cars being parted out. My guess is they are common until the > 95.5 model.?
>> It is easy to access under the back seat to confirm part numbers.?
>> ?
>> Tom?
>> ?
>> On Sep 17, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Brian Armstead wrote:?
>> ?
>>> Thanks for your reply Tom. Mark did clear all codes, but the light >> remains on...?
>>> ?
>>> Brian?
>>> ?
>>> Tom Green wrote:?
>>>> I had mentioned in the fine print that some S4 owners were having >>> problems?
>>>> scanning the ABS module. I guess we need an affirmation from at >>> least one?
>>>> that they can scan the module.?
>>>> ?
>>>> I believe Ian has the Airbag control module mixed up with the ABS. >>> The airbag?
>>>> controller and connectors for early models are indeed in the center >>> console. The?
>>>> ABS electronic controller is under the rear seat, drivers side. I >>> know of no direct?
>>>> reading connectors for VAG-COM, though. The fault codes are stored >>> in the ECU.?
>>>> ?
>>>> It could be that the fault has been corrected but the fault remains >>> until cleared in?
>>>> the ECU. Try clearing all the codes and perhaps the light will >>> clear also.?
>>>> ?
>>>> Tom?
>>>> ?
>>>> ?
>>>>> -----Original Message-----?
>>>>> Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 20:50:34 -0400?
>>>>> From: "Mark Pollan" <mpollan1 at aol.com>?
>>>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] ABS Off Light Problem - VAG COM?
>>>>> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>?
>>>>> Message-ID: <c3c.617310ad.37e2e1e4 at aim.com>?
>>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Gents:?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> I met up with Brian this evening to pull codes and I could not >>>> read/ connect?
>>>>> to the ABS module. I first ran Autoscan and some trivial codes >>>> came up but?
>>>>> no reading on ABS. Going directly to the ABS module and no >>>> connection. I?
>>>>> tried several times to no avail. I have access to an old HEX COM >>>> with the?
>>>>> OBD II connector and the 2x2 adapter dongle. I would have >>>> suspected the?
>>>>> dongle but connection was established with other controllers.?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Thoughts? Is it possible the controller itself is messed up? I >>>> rang up?
>>>>> Mark Turczyn as I had already pestered Manny Sanchez and Mark >>>> though maybe?
>>>>> the no read condition is due to a bad connection to the ABS controller?
>>>>> itself. Seem plausible? Where might the controller be located as >>>> I gifted?
>>>>> my Bentley to Mark when I sold the S6.?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Any and all insights are greatly appreciated. Brian is a hell of >>>> a nice guy?
>>>>> and I'd love to see this to closure but your help is definitely >>>> needed.?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Thanks in advance,?
>>>>> ?
>>>>> Mark?
>>>>> ?
>>>> ?
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>> ?
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