[s-cars] S6 Compression
Fred Munro
munrof at sympatico.ca
Thu Sep 24 17:32:03 PDT 2009
Cylinder pressure should be 131-189 psig with a maximum difference of 44
psig between cylinders. The wear limit is 102 psig.
Fred Munro
'97 S6
-----Original Message-----
From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of Keith Bidne
Sent: September 24, 2009 4:43 PM
To: S Car List
Subject: Re: [s-cars] S6 Compression
Tried to find the specs on what the factory compression number's should be
on the AAN engine, all 5 of my cylinders tested out ~135lbs. My car has 132k
miles and bone stock. any input would be appreciated.
Keith Bidne
95 Black S6
Madison, WI
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: bob at chips-ur-s.com
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 13:46:30 -0400
Subject: [s-cars] compression data
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
Hi Y'all,
I finally got to determining the compression for the AAN engine
(RS2ed, etc). I'm a little concerned.
Cyl # PSI
1 165
2 150
3 130
4 150
5 130
These numbers go with the engine which was producing the noises I
reported hearing a couple of weeks ago - mild exhaust backfire on snap
What do these numbers suggest? IOW, am I staring an engine rebuild
in the face?
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: josh at spiny.com
CC: s-car-list at audifans.com
To: bob at chips-ur-s.com
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 13:00:36 -0500
Subject: Re: [s-cars] compression data
A leakdown test would help of course, but I'd be looking for an exhaust leak
if you've got a pop on decel.
Those low readings on 3 and 5 are a bit worrying, but I wouldn't rebuild
just yet. Look for exhaust leaks, and try a leakdown test. It could be that
you've got a few valves not seating well.
On Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com> wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> Hi Y'all,
> I finally got to determining the compression for the AAN engine
> (RS2ed, etc). I'm a little concerned.
> Cyl # PSI
> 1 165
> 2 150
> 3 130
> 4 150
> 5 130
> These numbers go with the engine which was producing the noises I
> reported hearing a couple of weeks ago - mild exhaust backfire on snap
> let-off.
> What do these numbers suggest? IOW, am I staring an engine rebuild
> in the face?
> Bob
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> S-CAR-List mailing list
> http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list
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--Forwarded Message Attachment--
From: smarinello at entouch.net
To: s-car-list at audifans.com; smarinello at entouch.net; trgreen at comcast.net
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:42:05 -0400
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Re; not the code I expected
The CEL came on briefly a couple of hours before the first no start
Other than that, the car have been running relatively well, a bit smoother
with the
new injectors, and not exhibiting any characteristics that would make you
think the
pump was having problems. It has not been driven particularly hard lately,
in large
part because the timing belt should probably be replaced by both miles and
although it looks good and does not appear to be loose at all. The only
issue is the one that precipitated the upgrade/replacement of the cats with
a new O2
sensor and new plugs in the Spring and the new injectors recently; that
being that
the mileage ain't what it should be. It smells rich at times. There have
occasions that there is erratic ideally at a stop, making me think a vacuum
leak is
playing in all of this, but when I have started it up and want to check, it
do it and I can't find anything...although I do not profess to be as adept
at that
with the S-car. I'm still stuck in the urq mode...and I've forgotten most
of that.
I can't see how any of this stuff would cause a no start situation, however.
running, but not no start. There was a second occurrence two days ago when
my wife
stopped for gas (yes, our cars get passed around relatively unimpeded) after
shopping. She called my son to come help her push it to the side, but when
he got
there, it just fired up. SO it's a warm/hot situation, but it doesn't
take too long to cool down enough.
Ben has suggested checking the timing belt alignment, which I will, although
would be hard to imagine it slipping with it as tight as it seems to be. On
other hand, I better look a little closer...maybe it's tight because it's
running on
top of the gear teeth and not slotted in correctly. I will probably have to
take it
to a mechanic to get the VAGCOM to pull codes...or maybe I should just bite
bullet and get it for myself now. What's the going rate and what would I
Hell, I've already put so much new into this thing, what's little more?
...and it
still needs the headlight switch replaced (got that) the bent strut tower
and the t-belt, so I'll have to keep it a couple of years anyway.
On Thu Sep 24 12:06 , Tom Green sent:
>There is a lot of information about O2 sensor codes in the Bentley and
>many troubleshooting tips. It is important to understand that most
>are not a direct indication of the sensor condition but a secondary
>result of
>some other problem. Anything that causes excessive or insufficient
>of fuel in the system will exceed the limits of the O2 sensor
>adjustment and
>should result in a code and MIL.
>And, no, the O2 sensor will not prevent the engine from starting.
>At the point that the engine does not start, if it is a faulty CPS, it
>is not
>intermittent at that point. If the MIL was on when you shut down (and
>it was
>caused by an open or short in the CPS) you would expect a code.
>I am not sure about the blink codes coverage, but it's better than
>The VAG-COM will give you more information about the fault. Right now
>you don't know if the fault is rich or lean. Bentley also indicates
>the MIL
>will be on when this DTC is present. Is there a VAG-COM available in
>your neighborhood? Have you observed the MIL on when driving the car?
>Because the symptoms closely match the CPS failure syndrome experienced
>by so many listers, you may have started down this path to the
>exclusion of
>of other possible causes that do not have a specific DTC, i.e., fuel
>or supply. Perhaps you have had some clues, i.e., poor mileage that
>not been resolved? I did not understand your other comments about ....
>overheating and other assorted comments in the Bentley??
>You can verify if a CPS fault will record a code by unplugging the
>sensor at
>the front of the fuel rail while the engine is running and then
>plugging it back
>in. That might eliminate a little guessing even if it is not totally
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 23:09:45 -0500
>> From: "Steve Marinello" smarinello at entouch.net>
>> Subject: [s-cars] not the code I expected
>> To: "'S-Cars'" s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Message-ID: 8613DE88AA7A4D0AB99112860184A19B at GT5674>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>> Well, the S6 has failed to start one more time. It was warm. It
>> restarted
>> after it cooled off a bit.
>> Finally blinked the codes, expecting the cam sensor, if anything.
>> NOT. Got
>> 2341; oxygen sensor..overheating and other assorted comments in the
>> Bentley.
>> There was a new sensor put on in the Spring, along with two new
>> cats. As
>> you may remember, I was frustrated that the sensor was bad, because
>> the
>> mileage did not improve and, in fact, got worse. My mechanic
>> checked the
>> sensor and said it was functioning fine. Hmmm.
>> Would the O2 sensor even keep it from starting? Which way to go
>> now? I
>> suppose the first step is to check the current CPS and see if it is
>> functioning, but since it's intermittent even when hot, that may not
>> show
>> anything.
>> Let me know what you think.
>> TIA,
>> Steve
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From: barmstea at voanews.com
CC: smessersmith at gmail.com; mpchambers at charter.net; skchambers at charter.net;
serustenholtz at yahoo.com; rozeharvey at yahoo.com; mlgez at yahoo.com;
pbillingsley at humphrey-products.com; mchambers418 at yahoo.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com; getibble at yahoo.com;
christopher.b.chambers at ampf.com; Marion.CherylE7465 at comcast.net;
kday at ultrameta.org; dcarter at dougcarter.com; boerl at vbco.org;
john.2.knowlton at aexp.com; mchamber at cablespeed.com; mchamber at autocam.com;
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harveyderic at rocketmail.com; rfeagleye at thornhillcpa.com; matt at mlgez.com;
dsweet20 at aol.com; liz.chambers at sbcglobal.net; phil.woodell at noaa.gov;
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bluevr6 at yahoo.com; racers4343 at yahoo.com; klmagyar at yahoo.com; da419r at aol.com;
guntis.veits at gmail.com; rotor616 at yahoo.com; linda.m.enzinger at ampf.com;
JChambers at matitle.net; peacheysd at yahoo.com; lisaboer at gmail.com;
michael.e.chambers at sbcglobal.net; fastscirocco at myway.com;
joelmphillips at hotmail.com
To: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 12:48:27 -0400
Subject: Re: [s-cars] At the hospital to induce - will baby boy be born
Congratulations to you and your family!
chris chambers wrote:
> We've arrived at the hospital and are waiting for them to start the
induction, hopefully
> things will go smoother/faster tan with Aria and our "baby to be named
later" will be born
> today.
> Here is the participation portion of the email, you have the oppportunity
to rock the VOTE!
> We haven't decided on a name yet, so just for fun which of these two first
names do you like best?
> Austin or Colton
> We'll report back with any vital information!
> Chris n Jenn
> _______________________________________________
> S-CAR-List mailing list
> http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list
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From: dlandaeta at gmail.com
CC: smessersmith at gmail.com; mpchambers at charter.net; skchambers at charter.net;
serustenholtz at yahoo.com; rozeharvey at yahoo.com; mlgez at yahoo.com;
pbillingsley at humphrey-products.com; mchambers418 at yahoo.com;
s-car-list at audifans.com; getibble at yahoo.com;
christopher.b.chambers at ampf.com; Marion.CherylE7465 at comcast.net;
kday at ultrameta.org; dcarter at dougcarter.com; boerl at vbco.org;
john.2.knowlton at aexp.com; mchamber at cablespeed.com; mchamber at autocam.com;
michelleboer at borgess.com; PJLspeedy at aol.com; weski at icubed.com;
bubbles_mcgloop at yahoo.com; jacque_swartz at hotmail.com;
harveyderic at rocketmail.com; rfeagleye at thornhillcpa.com; matt at mlgez.com;
dsweet20 at aol.com; liz.chambers at sbcglobal.net; phil.woodell at noaa.gov;
chcurtis at matitle.net; shrunkenjenn at yahoo.com; avtek010 at ameritech.net;
bluevr6 at yahoo.com; racers4343 at yahoo.com; klmagyar at yahoo.com; da419r at aol.com;
guntis.veits at gmail.com; rotor616 at yahoo.com; linda.m.enzinger at ampf.com;
JChambers at matitle.net; peacheysd at yahoo.com; lisaboer at gmail.com;
michael.e.chambers at sbcglobal.net; fastscirocco at myway.com;
joelmphillips at hotmail.com
To: fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:05:28 -0400
Subject: Re: [s-cars] At the hospital to induce - will baby boy be born
My vote is for Austin! Forced induction will definitely provide for
quicker delivery. Let us know, I'll bet Aria is kinda excited.
Sent from my mobile
On Sep 24, 2009, at 9:42 AM, chris chambers
<fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> We've arrived at the hospital and are waiting for them to start the
> induction, hopefully
> things will go smoother/faster tan with Aria and our "baby to be
> named later" will be born
> today.
> Here is the participation portion of the email, you have the
> oppportunity to rock the VOTE!
> We haven't decided on a name yet, so just for fun which of these two
> first names do you like best?
> Austin or Colton
> We'll report back with any vital information!
> Chris n Jenn
> _______________________________________________
> S-CAR-List mailing list
> http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list
> http://www.audifans.com/kb/List_information
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