[s-cars] Colton Christopher Chambers was born
Kevin Barnett
bluevr6 at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 24 18:04:00 PDT 2009
From: chris chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>
To: Chris Chambers <fastscirocco at myway.com>
Cc: jessica.parker at wmich.edu; rozeharvey at yahoo.com; Azeem Elahi <azeem.elahi at gmail.com>; Beth Huizing <bhuizing at yahoo.com>; Bruce Davis <rotor616 at yahoo.com>; Chris Curtis <chcurtis at matitle.net>; Claudio Kaempf <foreigncarservices at sbcglobal.net>; Darlene Seiling <da419r at aol.com>; Dawn Wunderlin <dwunderlin at matitle.net>; Derek Sweeting <dsweet20 at aol.com>; Deric HArvey <harveyderic at rocketmail.com>; Doug Carter <dcarter at dougcarter.com>; Elijah Allen <elijahallen92 at aol.com>; Elizabeth Chambers <liz.chambers at sbcglobal.net>; Gary Tibble <getibble at yahoo.com>; Guntis Veits <guntis.veits at gmail.com>; Jacque Swartz <jacque_swartz at hotmail.com>; Joel Phillips <joelmphillips at hotmail.com>; John Garrett <tankjg81 at yahoo.com>; John Knowlton <JohnRom719 at charter.net>; Julie Knowlton <JulieJer2911 at charter.net>; Karen Magyar <klmagyar at yahoo.com>; Kevin Barnett <bluevr6 at yahoo.com>; Kevin Day <kday at ultrameta.org>; Linda Enzinger <linda.m.enzinger at ampf.com>; Lisa Boer
<boerl at vbco.org>; Lisa Boer <lisaboer at gmail.com>; Matt Gesmundo <matt at mlgez.com>; Mike Chambers Sr. <mchambers418 at yahoo.com>; Nancy King <nancy.king at wmich.edu>; PAtti Billingsley <pbillingsley at humphrey-products.com>; Paul <PJLspeedy at aol.com>; Rob Eagleye <rfeagleye at thornhillcpa.com>; Sam & Donna Peachey <peacheysd at yahoo.com>; sarah <serustenholtz at yahoo.com>; Scar <s-car-list at audifans.com>; Staci Messersmith <smessersmith at gmail.com>; PAtti Billingsley <pbillingsley at humphrey-products.com>; Pete & Michelle Boer <racers4343 at yahoo.com>; Michelle Boer <michelleboer at borgess.com>; MIKE CHAMBERS <mchamber at autocam.com>; Jennifer J Chambers <shrunkenjenn at yahoo.com>; Sharon Chambers <skchambers at charter.net>; Jennifer Chambers <JChambers at matitle.net>; chris Chambers <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com>; Elizabeth Chambers <liz.chambers at sbcglobal.net>; chris chambers <christopher.b.chambers at ampf.com>; Chris Chambers <fastscirocco at myway.com>; Mike Chambers
<mchamber at cablespeed.com>; Michael P Chambers <mpchambers at charter.net>; Michael Chambers <michael.e.chambers at sbcglobal.net>; Jennifer Chambers <bubbles_mcgloop at yahoo.com>; Mike Chambers Sr. <mchambers418 at yahoo.com>; Marion Estes <Marion.CherylE7465 at comcast.net>; Staci Messersmith <smessersmith at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 8:56:47 PM
Subject: Colton Christopher Chambers was born
Colton Christopher Chambers was born today at ~5:45 pm tonight.
quick specs, he weighed in at 10 lbs 8.4 oz ...no that isn't a typo!
21 3/4 inches long
Pics and more info to follow tomorrow when we aren't so tired.
Chris n Jenn
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