[s-cars] not the code I expected

Jerry Scott jerryscott at wispertel.net
Fri Sep 25 10:15:05 PDT 2009

Before you replace the CPS, check the continuity between the three wires, 
when it is not starting.  Also check the resistance. Compare the readings 
you get with a new sensor.  This can be done with a multimeter, at the 
connector under the fuel rail.  This might save you the time to replace the 
sensor if it is good.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Marinello" <smarinello at entouch.net>
To: "'S-Cars'" <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 10:09 PM
Subject: [s-cars] not the code I expected

> Well, the S6 has failed to start one more time.  It was warm.  It 
> restarted
> after it cooled off a bit.
> Finally blinked the codes, expecting the cam sensor, if anything.  NOT. 
> Got
> 2341; oxygen sensor..overheating and other assorted comments in the 
> Bentley.
> There was a new sensor put on in the Spring, along with two new cats.  As
> you may remember, I was frustrated that the sensor was bad, because the
> mileage did not improve and, in fact, got worse.  My mechanic checked the
> sensor and said it was functioning fine.   Hmmm.
> Would the O2 sensor even keep it from starting?  Which way to go now?  I
> suppose the first step is to check the current CPS and see if it is
> functioning, but since it's intermittent even when hot, that may not show
> anything.
> Let me know what you think.
> TIA,
> Steve
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