[s-cars] PSA on doorings: check your mirrors!

airbil airbil at gmail.com
Fri Sep 25 18:24:20 PDT 2009

As a born again cyclist I also remember, too well, slammin' into a  
just opened door at 12 years old.  From what I still remember, somehow  
I was just able to hang on to the handlebars, but very nearly went  
over.  I did bust the car door and my wheel was bent to the bottom  
That all said, when I take to the streets now, I assume the  
risk ...and expect that something bad IS going to happen and am then  
happily surprised when I arrive unscathed.  The rule of thumb in Chgo  
is to allow four feet clear of doors.  Duh!   Sometimes you have to  
move closer but then you should slow down and be on high alert.
Yeah sure, people (including meself) should look in the mirror better  
before opening doors, but it's usually fairly cursory and even a 100W  
pencil beam not aimed at a mirror could be missed... I would say.
So anyhoo, let's check mirrors a little more before alighting since  
you know there could be a crazy cyclist ready to make your  
acquaintance.  One look at the cycling outfits should convince anyone  
that these guys are JNR and should be watched for.
My .002

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