[s-cars] PSA on doorings: check your mirrors!

Richard van der Hoff richard at sw1v.org
Fri Sep 25 17:45:15 PDT 2009

Sorry to hear about your accident, Brett. Hope you're fully recovered soon.

Hayes, I totally understand where you're coming from, and I'd love there 
to be a lot more cycle lanes in the world - but I think it's a real 
shame if cyclists are forced off the road. I cycle in London a lot - 
often it's just the quickest way get around - and if I avoid the roads, 
well, I simply can't get to where I'm going. So I prefer to be a 
bloody-minded cyclist, and fight hard for my fair share of road space.

I've been the victim of a dooring too. Fortunately I was able to scrape 
myself off the road... having done so, I found the driver not worrying 
about the cyclist he'd just laid out, but the chip in the paintwork on 
his door. My god, I laid into him...

Everyone ought to be aware of what's going on around them. IME, bikers, 
particularly of the motor- variety, but also a lot of more experienced 
cyclists, have much more awareness of other road users than car drivers 
who don't ride a bike. I sometimes wonder if you ought to be forced to 
spend a year riding a bike round a city before you're allowed a car licence.

In short, check your mirrors, yes. But more than that: have a fricking 
clue what else is going on around you.



Hayes Myers wrote:
> If its common knowledge they never check before exiting what is one to do?
> I only ride off-road... big cities and flattened cyclists are common sight.
> Maybe mega projector lights (Like the HELLA 4 beam hood mounts) would help.
> I can feel the road rash whenever I hear these stories.  You see the same
> situations on a streetbike as well.  There should be many many many more
> cycling lanes.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com] On
> Behalf Of Gsidman
> Sent: Friday, September 25, 2009 4:07 PM
> To: 'Brett Dikeman'; 'Audi List'; s-car-list at audifans.com; '200q20V mailing
> list'
> Subject: RE: PSA on doorings: check your mirrors!
> Brett:         Bad news and my sympathies.  I got doored when I was 10 years
> old. Fortunately the driver was a doctor. I was riding without rubber grips
> on the handlebars of my Schwinn, and took the handlebar end almost in the
> left eye.  Not only did the Doc treat me right on the spot, but he showed up
> at our house the next day with a gift of grips. Embarrassed the hell out of
> my Dad who couldn't see the value of grips. I still carry the scar.  
> Ever since I watch for occupied parked cars - they do not check before
> exiting.......
> George Sidman
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