[s-cars] UrS4 shocks

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Tue Apr 6 17:33:20 PDT 2010

My Bilstein Sports (meant for shorter springs) are a near perfect match to
my Eibach Pro-kit springs. When I bought the car, it had stock S6 springs
and Bilstein sports, and it (it was soooo long ago) also seemed to be a good
match. BUT, the sports were too short for the springs, so when I went over a
particularly large (unmarked) whoop-de-do, I topped out the sports that came
with the car and I ended up having to replace the front pair as they then
started to leak.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 7:31 PM, Duncan Thomson <thomson.duncan at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi guys,
> The shocks are completely stuffed on my '94 UrS4, and I'm looking to
> upgrade.
> Previous owner put in lowering springs (unsure of brand) and they are
> waaaay to low. The car bottoms out on 50% of speed bumps, and the
> underside is taking a hammering.
> What's the current thinking on Koni's vs Bilsteins?
> I'm looking at putting the stock springs back in. Although it appears
> the rears could be raised with a simple spacer under the perch (saw this
> at 2bennett or somewhere similar).
> Any advice / preferences. Especially re: Koni vs Bilstein. Just getting
> prices now.
> Any help gratefully received!
> Cheers
> Duncan
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