[s-cars] Latvian hatch struts (and oil temp gauge)

Steve Mills s.b.mills at gmail.com
Mon Apr 19 14:07:09 PDT 2010

It's the solder joint on the pin that supplies the sender signal to  
the cluster. BTDT on 3 S6's so far. Pull the cluster, resolder, done.


On Apr 19, 2010, at 12:26 PM, "Eric Rechlin" <quattro at rechlin.us> wrote:

> I can second the recommendation of the Latvian rear hatch struts  
> that were
> mentioned a few weeks back.  I got mine ($48 shipped) last week and
> installed them on my S6 Avant over the weekend.  Now my hatch no  
> longer
> comes falling down on my head in the cooler 60 degree weather!  It's a
> 5-minute job and well worth the price.
> Only disadvantage is it now takes a lot more force to close, but  
> it's sure
> better than the alternative.
> Unfortunately, now my car is begging for more attention.  For the  
> last few
> weeks, my oil temperature gauge has been "fluttering".  When I'm
> accelerating, even lightly, it's accurate.  But when I hit the  
> brakes hard,
> it jumps to full-scale, and under lesser deceleration (and sometimes  
> when
> idle), it flutters all over the scale, going as far left as the  
> accurate
> temperature and as far right as full scale.
> Has anyone seen this before?  I replaced my oil pressure sender a  
> week ago
> (it suddenly started leaking oil pretty badly), but it's been doing  
> this
> since before I messed around in there.  At first I suspected a loose
> connection in the instrument cluster, which I took out in January to  
> replace
> the ignition switch, but after removing it again and checking  
> everything
> seemed tight.
> Thanks,
> Eric Rechlin
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