[s-cars] Is cyclinder 4 just plain bad!

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Wed Apr 21 09:09:21 PDT 2010

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The #4 position seems to be the vulnerable position.  Since you 
mentioned a 1.8T coil you must have done one of the coil mods ala 
Dave Forgie or 034 or Apikol or...  If that's the case you could 
interchange the #4 coil with, say, the #1 coil and see if the miss 
moves with the coil.  I suspect it probably will.  If so just replace 
the faulty coil and be done with it.  I'd also suggest purchasing a 
few spares to carry in the trunk for just this type of fun.


At 09:34 PM 4/19/2010, Tony Curran wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>Twice now cylinder 4 has let me done. First, the original coil and now a
>1.8T coil. I know the exhaust out of 4 is restricted by the stock EM.
>Is it time now for the RS2 or 043 EM?
>96 S6
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