[s-cars] Pollen filter BTDT

Drives2944 at aol.com Drives2944 at aol.com
Sat Aug 7 03:18:29 PDT 2010

Here is a link to where I buy my Pollen filters for my 95.5 S6. They do fit 
 as well...
In a message dated 8/4/2010 2:02:28 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
skippertgore at gmail.com writes:

BHF,  always the easiest way.

Yeppers, one of these days I'll make it back  east for sFest. Once  
things get better. Oh wait...

I had good  luck robbing the bracket from my car I'm parting. But what  
a  PIA.


On Aug 4, 2010, at 8:44 AM, "Bill Mahoney"  <wmahoney at disk.com> wrote:

> Matt,
> Lookee  here… maybe you have this other housing they mention?
>  http://www.blauparts.com/proddetail.asp?prod=E4A2013
> I would  just try to make it fit.  Aka big hammer.
>  WRT fan clutch, why anyone would muck it up is beyond me.
> This  is a repair that can be done only the correct way with the  
>  right parts.
> I replaced both fans about a year ago and the A/C  now blows as cold  
> as ever.
> Works great and  doesn’t cycle off at traffic lights (and not because 
>  I don’t  stop:)
> Bill~filtered &  fanned~M
> Ps   Get it all good for a  short commute to sfest this year!  Ya  
> only live once ya  know.
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