[s-cars] Remote Oil Cooler height

Mark Turczyn mkturczyn at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 10:52:24 PDT 2010


Many many years ago I installed  much larger oil cooler because I was 
towing my race bike enclosed trailer through the mountains.   I 
installed it on a backwards slant and built ducting that would 
enclose it and exhaust out of louver slots I formed using a blow 
heater and a wooden dowel pin.   I converted to AN fittings on the 
outlet/outlet by the block.

There is not much room under there so I did not worry about relative 
height.  I simply filled my sump with oil and ran the car.  I added 
what was needed and just forgot about it.

  As to drain back and over filling the sump-- I doubt that even my 
much bigger cooler added a noticeable increase in oil volume.  At 
least I never noticed any issues like drain back during cool down 
before the thermostat closed.

I did not think about it and I have been running it this way four 14 years.

At 9:31 AM -0400 8/14/10, Manuel Sanchez wrote:
>Fellow S-Heads,
>I have a Rossato bin with the parts for a larger remote oil cooler. I 
>am planning on installing it in the location of the factory 
>intercooler, stuffed in the left wheel well. I have wondered however, 
>if the height at which I install the oil cooler is important, my 
>thinking is that if it is mounted too high, relative to the oil pan, 
>that when I shut down the car after its hot that all the oil that 
>might be stored at a level that is higher than the oil pan will drain 
>back to the oil pan and result in an over-fill condition.
>I have that cautionary warning that is that you should not overfill 
>your oil pan, but never new of the exact reason why this was bad, 
>other than perhaps adding a bit more drag.
>I am also imagining that if I did have this overfill condition, it 
>could be temporary, as after the car cooled down and the thermostat 
>allowed for passage back to the oil cooler the correct oil level 
>would be reached. So another question popped into my head full of 
>rocks.... is a temporary overfill condition OK?
>Which leads to yet another question regarding how to properly fill 
>the system the very first time, since presumably the thermostat would 
>be closed and would not allow oil to flow into the new oil and longer 
>lines until after the system had reached the proper temperature.
>I might also be overthinking this whole thing too.
>95.5 usS6 Avant (under the knife)
>S-CAR-List mailing list

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