[s-cars] taking a leak

chris chambers fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 26 06:58:31 PDT 2010

access it via the wheel well, you have to drop the transmission and go in Gyno 


If you've been following the news at all, you would surely know that leaks
and gushers are now referred to as; "spills."  A cute little spill is what
you have there.

This could be either the reservoir or a hose leak.  Either will require some
disassembly to chase and repair.  I would set aside three hours for this

I say, them reservoirs dry out and crack, so keep them filled especially in
summer.  I can't explain the physics of it, but the h2o helps to dissipate
the heat from the plastic.

Bill~you don't miss your pisser till it's gone~M

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Bill Spilled on ................... and forgot to mention in order to replace 
said resevoir you can't


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