[s-cars] Devil Went Down to Georgia..

D Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Thu Dec 16 14:10:55 PST 2010

So what is 25 years old that listers would like to bring in?

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:

> It is good to hear your "legal opinion", Taka, although you did not
> label it as an opinion as I requested.   I guess I am not up on these
> things as well as you.  I have had casual
> conversations with some attorney acquaintances whose firms have
> handled import cases, but I never paid for any specific advise.  I
> have phoned a RI company in FL that is well
> known for difficult imports, and they seem to think it can be done but
> would cost more than most customers would pay.  Left it there since
> they quickly concluded that I was not going to pay for it.
> Like I said, moot point anyway, since nobody here is going to foot the
> bill until the 25 year rule kicks in.  I'll be too old to care and
> most others will have lost interest.
> Oh, one thing I did get from the attorney acquaintances interpreting
> the rules is that a vehicle does not have to have historical
> significance to be imported into the US if it conforms.
> Tom '95 S6
>          '95.5 S6 avant
> Knoxville, TN
> On Dec 16, 2010, at 4:10 PM, Taka Mizutani wrote:
> > That's actually not correct, Tom- the Audi RS2 and S2 are
> > specifically mentioned by DOT as non-importable vehicles due to
> > their lack of historical significance or something like that. Even
> > an RI cannot Federalize one. I'm also pretty sure that the cars that
> > are specifically prohibited cannot be imported under the "exhibition
> > and show" exemption, either.
> >
> > You won't be able to bring one in until 2019, when the blanket 25
> > yr. old exemption allows you to import anything- the first RS2s are
> > 1994 production.
> >
> > Taka
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net>
> > wrote:
> > If I understand things correctly, it was not a "roller" and it was not
> > a RS2 model vehicle.
> >
> > Those who are stating "facts" about importation of vehicles need to
> > add that those "facts" are only their lay person interpretation of
> > federal regulations and hearsay gathered from the internet, or get
> > some real facts from a registered importer or attorney qualified to
> > opine on these matters.
> >
> > These vehicles are not "banned" from importation.  But, no one said it
> > would be easy or inexpensive.  You just have to be willing to pay a RI
> > to modify the vehicle where necessary to meet all federal regulations,
> > certify it for EPA emissions requirements, and do all the paperwork,
> > And, be prepared to abandon the project if the RI finds an obstacle
> > they can't overcome in the time limits the feds allow.  Bringing the
> > vehicle to the US does not guarantee success  in federalizing it,
> > since those restrictions mean it is not eligible for any of the
> > exceptions to the rules, which is going to make it an expensive
> > project.
> >
> > I think that means nobody here is going to legally import one to the
> > US for another 10 years.
> >
> >
> > Tom '95 S6
> >          '95.5 S6 avant
> > Knoxville, TN
> >
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