[s-cars] Family Album updates

Robert Myers bob at chips-ur-s.com
Tue Dec 21 14:40:29 PST 2010

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Sure thing, Cody. I'll give you full access to my server to ease 
transfer of the files. Be careful with it because that level of 
access can result in a lot of potential damage. Let me know when you're ready.

Anyone else:

goto chips-ur-s.com
username: ftpuser
password:  scargo

Explore and help yourself to anything of interest.  Some of the files 
are pretty large and will take quite a while to download.  If server 
acts really busy try again later.  I have pretty decent bandwidth but 
still...  Cody or I will let yu know when his update files are ready 
for download.


At 04:20 PM 12/21/2010, Cody Forbes wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
>I've found a source for Family Album updates and downloaded all 237 
>of the Audi ones (there's a similar quantity for VW that I have yet 
>to nab) for v7.0 starting at update 598. I started installing them, 
>but 640 is corrupt. Anybody have a lead on that one update file 
>(eupdAU640D.exe is the file name)? Of course I'm unsure of any other 
>possible issues as they must be installed sequentially.
>The URL is:
>It requires signup via the forum on the same site. I didn't think of 
>it at the time, but somebody should just create a username and 
>password to give out to Audifans members (I would give mine out, but 
>I used a password common to other things and it can't be changed). 
>If you give me until the weekend I'll get a ZIP or RAR file up on my 
>website and/or Bob Myers' FTP so you don't need to download each one 
>-Cody Forbes
>S-CAR-List mailing list
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