[s-cars] Family Album updates

John Cunningham jc at j2c3.com
Tue Dec 21 14:15:36 PST 2010

Cody - that site has been out there for a long time, thing is loading the updates is both problematic as you see and a huge hassle since there's no way apparently to batch them. I got stuck at same point you did, and used to not care when it was only the S6 Battlewagen but now that we are back to a recent model in the household I'd love to have an updated KATE. 

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John Cunningham

US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
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On Dec 21, 2010, at 16:20, "Cody Forbes" <cody at 5000tq.com> wrote:

> I've found a source for Family Album updates and downloaded all 237 of the Audi ones (there's a similar quantity for VW that I have yet to nab) for v7.0 starting at update 598. I started installing them, but 640 is corrupt. Anybody have a lead on that one update file (eupdAU640D.exe is the file name)? Of course I'm unsure of any other possible issues as they must be installed sequentially.
> The URL is:
> http://files.mytouareg.info/autoindex.php5?dir=ETKA_7_Updates/
> It requires signup via the forum on the same site. I didn't think of it at the time, but somebody should just create a username and password to give out to Audifans members (I would give mine out, but I used a password common to other things and it can't be changed). If you give me until the weekend I'll get a ZIP or RAR file up on my website and/or Bob Myers' FTP so you don't need to download each one individually. 
> -Cody Forbes
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