[s-cars] Where the FAQ?: ABS(found) and/or EDL defeat

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Wed Dec 29 15:58:50 PST 2010

Proper civil disobedience, upon which this great country was founded, REQUIRES any sentient S-car owner to eliminate the beancounter-driven-H-rated-OEM-tire top speed governator. You can rest assured the Chuck Norris doesn't allow a governator to slow him down, nor, I suspect would either Tom Scientology or Bruce Willis be slowed down.

-Patrick Henry.

On 29 Dec, 2010, at 18:13, brian hoeft wrote:

> Thanks! I didnt remember it being *that* easy, that's even easier than
> removing the top speed governor, which you shouldnt do of course..
> sealed spade connector coming up!
> -Brian
> .
> On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 11:11 AM, JC <jc at j2c3.com> wrote:
>> Brian -
>> I've not done a C4 but I've done several CQ & Type 44's and it's like your
>> basic IED-disarming routine from a Tom Cruise or Bruce Willis action movie:
>> "snip the BLUE wire. do NOT snip the brown or black wires!"
>> That's the speed-signal sender from the speedo to the diff controller.
>> Here's a good thread on MG started by Jared w/ pics far down on the page.
>> Actually looks like the old Blue/White wire turned into a White/Blue wire
>> on
>> the C4 but same exact thing otherwise... There are actually multiple places
>> you can snip the wire - I think on my CQ I did it at the instrument cluster
>> or perhaps under the center console as the wire was headed back? Dunno,
>> shitty memory.
>> Anyway on a Type 44 / C4 obviously pulling the rear seat is super easy way
>> to go.
>> http://www.motorgeek.com/viewtopic.php?t=31555
>> HTH.
>> ---- current ----
>> 1995.5 S6 Avant
>> 2003 E46 M3 Cic
>> 2008 A3 2.0tDSG
>> ---- past lives ----
>> 2006 A4 2.0TQA
>> 1998 A6Q 2.8 PES G2
>> 1989 200TQA SJM
>> 1990 CQ
>> 1997 A4 1.8TQ Wett
>> 1987 4kCSQ
>> John J. Cunningham
>> jc at j2c3.com
>> US Mobile +1 (617) 750-5025
>> China Mobile: +86 (0) 136 8175 8180
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com
>>> [mailto:s-car-list-bounces at audifans.com] On Behalf Of brian hoeft
>>> Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2010 3:57 PM
>>> To: chris chambers
>>> Cc: liSt
>>> Subject: Re: [s-cars] Where the FAQ?: ABS(found) and/or EDL defeat
>>> Thanks, good suggestion but nothing there for the Diff
>>> un-lock defeat. The ABS link is there though, and surprised I
>>> didnt have the elektro site bookmarked..
>>> Is quattroworld what audiworld turned into? Funny, that coil
>>> cover image atop the S4/S6 page looks exactly like mine!
>>> wonder if it is..
>>> -Brian
>>> .
>>> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 1:49 PM, chris chambers
>>> <fastscirocco_2000 at yahoo.com
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Brian,
>>>> you might find it in the FAQ on Quattroworld:
>>>> http://forums.quattroworld.com/s4s6/msgs/15184.phtml
>>>> HTH
>>>> Chris
>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> *From:* brian hoeft <qweblog at gmail.com>
>>>> *To:* liSt <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>>>> *Sent:* Tue, December 28, 2010 1:44:36 PM
>>>> *Subject:* [s-cars] Where the FAQ?: ABS(found) and/or EDL defeat
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> I once had a writeup on how to switch ABS off and another
>>> to disable
>>>> the rear diff un-lock at ~20MPH  feature, exclusive of each
>>> other, at
>>>> my own discretion. Been putting of this fun mod(s) for years...
>>>> I searched audifans and s-cars.org and didnt find what I
>>> was looking for.
>>>> If
>>>> I do recall properly, a Scott J emailed me a few years ago
>>> regarding
>>>> the diff locker.
>>>> edit..
>>>> Just found this using better keywords I didnt think of
>>> until typing..
>>> http://s-cars.org/postnuke/downloads/pdf/Audi%201994%20UrS4%20ABS%20Sw
>>>> itch%20Modificationv1.3.pdf
>>>> So that takes care of the ABS, thanks Fred! That's been my biggest
>>>> concern lately. I am still on Ventus' and slow stopping is
>>>> frustrating. Being a cheapskate looking for a good deal on hakka's
>>>> before I re-use mine for the ?5th season and not looking
>>> good.  Though
>>>> I plan on runing my TD Jetta mostly since I wont cry if
>>> that gets away
>>>> from me during a Scandinavian flick!
>>>> -Brian
>>>> .
>>>> --
>>>> *          Groundhog Day 2011*
>>>> This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union
>>> address occur
>>>> on the same day.
>>>> "It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a
>>> meaningless
>>>> ritual in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for
>>>> prognostication while the other involves a groundhog." -A.A.
>>>>      [blinders off&earplugs out]
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>>> --
>>> *           Groundhog Day 2011*
>>> This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union
>>> address occur on the same day.
>>> "It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a
>>> meaningless ritual in which we look to a creature of little
>>> intelligence for prognostication while the other involves a
>>> groundhog." -A.A.
>>>      [blinders off&earplugs out]
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> -- 
> *           Groundhog Day 2011*
> This year, both Groundhog Day and the State of the Union address occur on
> the same day.
> "It is an ironic juxtaposition of events: one involves a meaningless ritual
> in which we look to a creature of little intelligence for prognostication
> while the other involves a groundhog." -A.A.
>      [blinders off&earplugs out]
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