[s-cars] 3 car seats?

Harold McComas haroldmccomas at comcast.net
Fri Feb 5 22:04:35 PST 2010

Paul said "someone should invent buckle extenderz".

They already do:


already at 40k on my A4L  ;-)

> From: <pkrasusky at ups.com>
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] 3 car seats?
> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>, <cody at 5000tq.com>
> Message-ID:
> <043A438C82FD014E86D089F11F0900FE164773C0B7 at njrarsvr3bf6.us.ups.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> Cody-
> As B said it is HIGHLY dependent on the seats.
> I was in fact able to fit 2x REAR facing seats (one Britax one Jeep - 
> don't ask on the Jeep), and a fwd facing Britax, in my former urS6.  No 
> joke.  It was balls tight but they fit.
> My bro ran 3x in his C5A6 Avant, tho one was just a bottom cushion 
> booster.
> 3x FORWARD facing seats fit literally armrest to armrest in my D2.  I 
> forget the measurement requirement but I think it's like 54 or 56" IIRC 
> for that setup.
> $3k?  That's an awfully limited budget to make many 'good' suggestions. 
> How about a Volvo 960?  They're pretty wide.  Acura RL?  You can get D2's 
> for that range too.  Spend a few more clams, B just saw an '01 //S8 with a 
> salvage title do $5800.
> I WILL SAY that 3x car seats in a sedan sux majorly hairy nads, and was 
> likely a huge contributing factor to my herniated lumbar disc.  Try 
> lifting the monsters into / out of the center position, over the end 
> seats, whilst ducking your head under the roof header.  Oh yeah, forgot to 
> mention, my 3x seats BRILLIANTLY reside on TOP of all 3 seat belt latches 
> (someone should invent buckle extenderz!).  Try fishing for THOSE to 
> buckle / unbuckle during stop / go / stop / go errands, in the rain. 
> Just sayin'.  8-)
> Good luck to him!  Tell him to wear a hat here fwd heh heh...
> -Paul mit Alumibitch, now sporting 265s... muwhahahhaaa hello extra INCH 
> of footprint...
> ps.  Hi Brett!

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