[s-cars] serpentine belt tensioner 054 903 133A

Thomas R Green trgreen at comcast.net
Fri Feb 12 16:42:48 PST 2010


I would prefer TRW suspension parts but I don't know where to buy them  
a reasonable price.  I see little special about the Febi parts anymore  
for the
alternative.  I have heard nothing bad about Moog;  I just think of  
them as an
American car supplier.  Tie rod ends are pretty easy to keep up with  
so I say
give them a try.  The S6 tie rods and ends are specific  to the side,  
so if the
listing tries to sell the same thing for both sides, it's a pretty  
good hint that
they are selling A6 parts.

What is wrong with your belt tensioner?  If the frame and the spring  
appear good as southern cars usually do, but the bearing is bad, I would
be interested in buying it to change the roller bearing.


On Feb 12, 2010, at 7:19 PM, Steve Marinello wrote:

> Tom,
> Must have missed or forgotten about the emails you mentioned.  Both  
> Rock
> Auto and Beltsandhoses have the listing for the AAN engine, but  
> checking
> against the A6q, it is the same p/n.  But, when I check
> genuinevwaudiparts.com, it didn't return a part for me...until I  
> removed the
> spaces.  And I had just sat down to order it and decided to check my  
> email
> first.  Saved again?
> What do you think of Moog tie rod assemblies at this point in time?   
> Again,
> great prices at Rock Auto and WOrldpac, which makes me wonder if  
> they have
> finally gone offshore.  Always have depended on Moog, and my  
> mechanic says
> he's good with them.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Green [mailto:trgreen at comcast.net]
> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 3:50 PM
> To: s-car-list; smarinello at entouch.net
> Subject: Re: [s-cars] serpentine belt tensioner 054 903 133A
> If the photos are accurate, they are showing an A6 part, regardless of
> the
> reference part #.  No way to make it fit.
> The price also says wrong part.  No one is selling the correct part at
> that
> price.
> The part is $204.48 at genuinevwaudiparts.com.  This has been the
> subject
> of many emails in the recent past.  Shipping is about $7.50.
> Any lister find a better total price anywhere?
> Tom
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:03:11 -0600
>> From: "Steve Marinello" <smarinello at entouch.net>
>> Subject: [s-cars] serpentine belt tensioner 054 903 133A
>> To: <s-car-list at audifans.com>
>> Message-ID: <64FEE8B7A10E457CA5710E3F0662E46E at GT5674>
>> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
>> Well, the only place I can find the Audi part, it's $270.  Rock Auto
>> has a
>> few sources, including Goodyear, for under $70, and beltsnhoses.com
>> has a
>> Gates tensioner for about $69 w/ free shipping. Anyone have any
>> experience
>> with these things with various brands?
>> Thanks,
>> Steve

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