[s-cars] alternator

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 14 09:59:36 PST 2010

Question for the experts.  Drove the avant last week and seemed to get an on/off whiff something akin to stuck brake pads.  I think we all know that one.  It followed me long enough to know I was the culprit except all my calipers etc are new.  On the return drive my voltage gauge started to act up so I popped the hood and noticed the smell seemed to be coming from the alternator and the casing was very hot to the touch.  Cool, alternator with dying bearings and a bad VR.  A quick check of the other belt items showed all spinning pretty freely.  Took out the alt and the pulley seemed to spin just fine, hhmm.  Took it to the rebuilder and he checked out the bearings and said one of the pair was bad and sketchy and the VR brushes were pretty worn.  Reinstall, which we all know is never quite as simple "the reverse of removal" and volts are fine, got a bit more of the smell and the alt casing is still very hot after a 3 mile drive, the adjoing P/S pump and bracket cool to the touch?  Anyone know if this is "normal"?
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