[s-cars] 95 A6 quattro wagon minor issue

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Fri Feb 19 09:13:31 PST 2010

Sorry Louis, this was meant to go to the list.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 12:12 PM, LL - NY <larrycleung at gmail.com> wrote:

> Not saying this is the case with your C4, but my B2 4000Q had a leak in the
> taillight that filled the spare wheel well (they're actually along the sides
> of the trunk floor) with water. It was worse when the roads were wet than if
> the car was stationary and parked in the rain, as the wheel well was one the
> few spots on that car at the time that didn't have some form of rust holes.
> I was befuddled for a long time.
> Lesson learned, the solution to leaks may not seem to make sense or be
> obvious when searching them out. You will need to look for areas (such as
> Dan's suggestion of the windshield, although I can't see how that would have
> a path all the way back) away from where the water gathers as well as
> nearby. Water is sneaky and insidious that way.
> LL - NY
>   On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Louis-Alain Richard <
> larichard at plguide.com> wrote:
>> A car wash is a nice test for any car, leaking wise. Drop the rear
>> seatback,
>> empty the well of anything (cover, carpet, tire, etc), and have someone
>> look
>> while washing the car. You'll find it easily.
>> Louis-Alain

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