[s-cars] go pedal replacement

Dace Voit dacevoit at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 24 06:22:02 PST 2010

The pedal, when it gets old, is more prone to break.  Ramming your foot to the floor causes this to happen sooner than later.  That being said, mine is still intact at 156k but I figure that it will go at any time!


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Sent: Tue, February 23, 2010 9:54:38 PM
Subject: S-CAR-List Digest, Vol 76, Issue 47

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  mAC (VAG however) content - VW Parts Sources (Thomas R Green)
   2.  Rear Bearing (calvin young)
   3. Re:  Hemorrhaging! (Thomas R Green)
   4.   Exhausts (034 Motorsports vs Stromung (correction))
      (jeff postupack)
   5.  anyone have a carfax open (dbkase at gmail.com)
   6. Re:  go pedal replacement (chris chambers)
   7. Re:  go pedal replacement (Jerry Scott)
   8.   go pedal replacement (Wayne Dohnal)
   9. Re:  go pedal replacement (Steve Marinello)
  10. Re:  go pedal replacement (Wylie Bean)
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