[s-cars] Vag Slush

David Kase dbkase at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 19:16:40 PST 2010

Hello?  Bill, is that you?  AWD or FWD?  really dude?

Having said that, I drove a DSG GTi on the 'ring (yes, THAT ring) and it was
wonderful.  Even leaving it in auto mode it shifted at the perfect time
under all conditions. Very cool.

Before my stint in the GTi I got a ride around the track in an R32 -
AMAZING!  The driver knew the track very well and he had that car in 4 wheel
drifts just to have it grab hold and shoot down the next straight.  He
passed a GT3, bikes and a 3rd gen RX7.  Really, really nice car.


On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:14 PM, Michael Lardizabal <
mikellardizabal at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Bill ,
> For me the R32 is a slam dunk !
> Its a fantastic car, 1st gen at least,.current is even better and in your
> case and needs w/ the DCT as the only tranny choice.
> Love the Electric Blue it comes in....
> Sorry to hear about the mishap...a friend just recovered from a bicycle
> related collar-bone fracture, and twas' not fun.
> Mike
> --- On Mon, 1/4/10, bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:
> From: bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com>
> Subject: [s-cars] Vag Slush
> To: s-car-list at audifans.com
> Date: Monday, January 4, 2010, 4:25 PM
> So, long story short, I slipped and fell just before xmas and tore my rt
> rotator cuff for which I will have microsurgery by months end.
> This means no manual shifting for at least six weeks which means I cannot
> drive any of my three cars.  (Yeah I know I could figure out shifting via
> the left arm but it could get old fast.  and...Yes, my wife has
> comments/yuks/insults pertaining to this sad state of affairs.)
> I could muddle through with daughter #2's, '97 Integra stored in my
> driveway
> until the summer, but that car is near end of life and why pass up an opp
> to
> sell that and justify another car?
> I am considering A3, GTI, or R32, and thought briefly of a Mini too.
> None of these are ideal me thinks, but would suffice for 6 wks. to 6 mos.
> and then I could pass on to returning grad school daughter since by then I
> would have Craigslisted the Integra... (which still has some value amongst
> the fast n furious set.)
> Any thoughts about R32 (2dr/awd, 250hp) vs GTI ) (4dr/fwd, 200hp?)
> Bill~thinkin' UK cars maybe~M
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