[s-cars] wheel bearing puller

dbkase at gmail.com dbkase at gmail.com
Tue Jan 5 11:23:48 PST 2010

I used my Sir tool on my B5. It was a little tough but I can't remember  
exactly why. I remember providing more force than I thought it should have  

Looked into the Hub Shark but decided on the Sir Tool - again, I can't  
remember my reasoning at the time. With the success rate you have seen, I  
would buy a Harbor freight press. That was one direction I considered.


On Jan 5, 2010 11:46am, Tom Green <trgreen at comcast.net> wrote:
> Dave,

> Have you used your kit on the URS6 with the strut still installed on the  
> vehicle? I ask because the URS4/6 have a much

> tighter press fit bearing than those that use a circlip to help retain  
> the bearing, and I typically see pressure requirements

> far above what the bolt and impact wrench can supply, even when trying to  
> supply some heat to the strut.

> It is nice where it works, but I haven't seen better than a 50% success  
> rate on the URS4/6 bearings. Nothing can be worse

> than planning a quick job only to find the strut has to be removed and a  
> hydraulic press used to R/R the bearing, so I am

> soliciting other experience for this job.

> I am also looking for BTDT on using the original Hub Shark or later  
> knock-off designs for this job.

> Despite the fancy "Schwaben" pedigree attached to the ECS kit, it does  
> not appear to be superior to the Harbor Freight

> kit at half the price, in fact, it looks identical right down to the case.

> Tom

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