[s-cars] ABS issue

Douglas Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 08:37:58 PST 2010

How do the rear wheel speed sensors come out?

Sent from my mobile

On Jan 12, 2010, at 8:31 AM, mike schowengerdt <urdrquattro at yahoo.com>  

> first thing to do is re-seat all wheeel speed sensors , if that  
> doesn't do it , pull them out and look carefully at the speed rings  
> (rotate the axle and look all the way around for cracks or rust  
> filled teeth) most common problem is the front sensors get disturbed  
> when cv joint or suspension work is done.........HTH............m
> ________________________________
> From: "Young, Steve" <sryoung at trane.com>
> To: S-Cars <s-car-list at audifans.com>
> Sent: Mon, January 11, 2010 11:11:13 PM
> Subject: [s-cars] ABS issue
> Lister...
> Let me start by saying this could conceivably apply to any ABS  
> equipped car.  I bought a B5 A4 Avant, 2.8L, 5sp about 15 months  
> ago.  I bought it with the ABS light on and the flashing brake  
> light.  Typical ABS module failure.  I got around to having it  
> rebuilt last month.  Reinstalled it and no lights...cool.  Or so I  
> thought.  Now I have the ABS activating on 9 out of 10 stops  
> regardless of road condition.  I am not convinced it is the module,  
> and can't help but wonder if this situation is what caused the  
> module to fail in the first place.  Could this be a bad wheel speed  
> sensor fooling the ABS system into thinking it needs to compensate  
> for slippery road conditions at all times?  Anyone dealt with this  
> issue before??  TIA
> Regards,
> Steven Young, CEM
> Project Developer - Connecticut / New York / Vermont Territory
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