[s-cars] growl/clunk at engine start/stop

dgraber460 at aol.com dgraber460 at aol.com
Wed Jan 13 17:31:21 PST 2010

I would be very careful and not run it until I had it diagnosed. It could easily be something that could adversely affect the timing belt, and make one of Audis best engines a very expensive boat anchor. It is not unheard of for the serpentine belt to get tangled with the TB and.........well very ugly things happen.


-----Original Message-----
From: Varon H. Fugman <vfugman at globaldialog.com>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 6:08 pm
Subject: [s-cars] growl/clunk at engine start/stop

I've got a growl/clunk when starting the engine and when shutting it down.
 had might wife start and stop the engine several times while poking my
ead around under the hood.  Seems to be coming from the front of the
ngine, but I couldn't pinpoint anything.
Could it be the fan clutch?  Spins OK by hand and doesn't seem loose, but I
t is original with 185k miles.    
'95 urS6  185k miles, t-belt done at 181k, CPS and alternator replaced at
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