[s-cars] parts car

Douglas Landaeta dlandaeta at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 21:16:51 PST 2010

Why doesn't it run?

Sent from my mobile

On Jan 13, 2010, at 11:35 PM, Ronald Whiton <dooksniffer at gmail.com>  

> Hey guys, been a while,
> What is a non-running 95 worth nowadays?  It has been sitting in my  
> garage
> for about 3 years now.  The car is blue with gray guts and has  
> around 150k
> on the clock.  T-belt was done along with serp tensioner/belt   
> before I gave
> up on it.
> Make me an offer, I just want it out of my garage.  (SE PA)
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