[s-cars] Haiti

Brian Armstead barmstea at voanews.com
Thu Jan 14 08:38:58 PST 2010

Great idea Bob.  You can also donate directly at Redcross.org, or by 
texting  Haiti to 90999.  Ten dollars will show on your cell bill, and 
the money goes directly to the UN Relief Fund.

Robert Myers wrote:
> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> Hi Y'all,
> Normally a post such as this would be something I would consider to 
> be off-base for the Audi lists but the things you see on TV coverage 
> of the earthquake are heart wrenching.  There have been many appeals 
> for donations to help with the disaster and this is another one.  I 
> can guarantee that any donation made to the Church of the Brethren 
> Disaster Response Team will go to exactly what it is being donated 
> for.  If you would like to help out with a small (or large, for that 
> matter,) donation let me suggest this:
> https://secure2.convio.net/cob/site/Donation2?idb=97252059&df_id=2680&2680.donation=form1&JServSessionIdr004=gq1ahxfy02.app43b
> Bob
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