[s-cars] timing belt service issues

mike schowengerdt urdrquattro at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 18 15:16:37 PST 2010

i agree with stott, as to whtat the mech is refering to.....the part number per etka7 ia 046-903-141-D and is show as the whole bracket assemble, no separate part breakdown showing bearing or part #.....this bracket does serve as the mount for the alt & ac........hopefully someone here has sourced a seperate replacement bearing and the procedure to change it

From: Steve Marinello <smarinello at entouch.net>
To: s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, January 18, 2010 4:27:06 PM
Subject: [s-cars] timing belt service issues

So, I'm letting the mechanic do my timing belt on the S6 today.  He just
called to say.the tb is on, but there's a problem.  The bearing assembly.and
his description has got  me confused.behind the fan clutch (?) is shot and
needs replacing, but he can't figure out how to do it without pulling
everything off the car and 4 or 5 hours of labor.plus the Audi price of $260
for this thing.  He said he's pulled a diagram, but doesn't have the p/n
(@#$%^&).  He said it's mounted to the main bracket that everything else
mounts to, but he can't see a way to get at it from behind while it's on the
car, so it would seem it all has to come out.a/c, power steering pump, etc.
which makes me cringe at what else will stop working when that's done.

Can anyone straighten me out on what he's talking about and what options, if
any might exist?  I'll spin by the shop and try to catch him before he
leaves this evening, but if you've got some info to help me before I go, I'd
appreciate hearing it ASAP.  Don't have the EKTA link on my laptop.what's
the best one now? .was just looking at that one not but a few months ago.



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