[s-cars] Short term rough idle - follow-up
djdawson2 at aol.com
djdawson2 at aol.com
Mon Jan 25 16:37:45 PST 2010
The RS2 EM helps reduce the focus of heat at #5... always good. You should see a "hard working" 3B or AAN with a stock EM... cherry red at #4 and #5.
Again, based on the brevity of your symptom, I still think you might be looking at a leaky injector... something Techron will not cure. It is amazing what a new set of injectors can do to smooth out an engine, but really not worth the expenditure unless you can isolate the cylinder... or you have deep pockets for an old car.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
To: djdawson2 at aol.com
Cc: cody at 5000tq.com; s-car-list at audifans.com
Sent: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 5:08 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Short term rough idle - follow-up
The most noticeable symptom is a slightly rough idle which smoothes outnicely in just a few seconds after start-up. I wouldn't reallydescribe it as a miss. The rpms are pretty solid. It's not"seeking" like what usually happens with a sticky ISV.
The engine sports a nice RS2 EM.
At 07:00 PM 1/25/2010, djdawson2 at aol.com wrote:
I dont' really agree that you are just guessing when you see those typesof compression numbers. I'd also argue the #5 cylinder is where youare going to see to most heat (not #3), especially if not equipped with agood EM.
The bottom end of these engines tend to be very durable. You're notgoing to typically see a "miss" as a result of badrings/cylinder walls either... a "miss" (assuming your fuel andignition systems are working properly) is typically a symptom associatedwith valve/valve seat wear... therefore, not sealing as well.
Having a fresh head ready is always convenient on a high mileage car(porting... no way). But yours looks pretty healthy.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Myers <bob at chips-ur-s.com>
To: Cody Forbes <cody at 5000tq.com>
Cc: S-Car-List at Audifans.Com <s-car-list at audifans.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 25, 2010 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: [s-cars] Short term rough idle - follow-up
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Hmmm... Sales pitch? Have a nice AAN just sitting around waiting for
a suck.. er..., customer? ;-) Uh... How much? :-D
At 02:29 PM 1/25/2010, Cody Forbes wrote:
>*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r)Pro*
>Nah, I'd say it's fine. Cylinder 3 runs the hottest and seems towear
>a bit more, but your numbers are reasonable. Without a leak downtest
>any statement as to why that cylinder is low (piston rings,grouved
>cylinder wall, dirty/bent/burnt valve, head gasket, etc) is justa
>wild guess at best.
>Time to take apart a running car? No.
> Time to casually search for a spare cylinder head tohave rebuilt
>(and ported hehe) and ready to swap on to the car on a lazyweekend?
>Probably. Even better of course would be the same plan with awhole
>fresh, tweaked, engine going in. Then sell the old stuff when youare
>done and recoup some cost.
>-Cody (mobile)
>On Jan 25, 2010, at 1:37 PM, Robert Myers<bob at chips-ur-s.com>wrote:
> > *This message was transferred with a trial version ofCommuniGate(r)
> > Pro*
> >
> > Yeah, Cody. You're right and I screwed it up. Now thequestion
> > remains - do I need to get a new head gasket and/or valve jobon the
> > car?
> >
> > Bob
> >
> >
> > At 12:46 PM 1/25/2010, Cody Forbes wrote:
> >> *This message was transferred with a trial version ofCommuniGate
> >> (r) Pro*
> >> Note that the compression gauge has a one way valve - itdoesn't hold
> >> pressure in the cylinders, only in the hose for thegauge.
> >>
> >> -Cody (mobile)
> >>
> >> On Jan 25, 2010, at 11:28 AM, Robert Myers<bob at chips-ur-s.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> *This message was transferred with a trial version ofCommuniGate(r)
> >>> Pro*
> >>>
> >>> Original post:
> >>>
> >>> Hi Y'all,
> >>>
> >>> My well modified '95.5 urS6 has developed a relativelyminor but a
> >>> bit disturbing problem. On initial start-up theengine idles a bit
> >>> roughly. The idle smoothes out again after a few(perhaps 10-15)
> >>> seconds and becomes as solid as a rock. Obviouslythis is not, of
> >>> itself, a major problem but it could be a portent ofsomething more
> >>> serious to come. Any ideas/suggestions?
> >>>
> >>> Other than the idle problem the car is runningsuperbly. Let's
> >>> see... modifications which might berelated... Running the Dave
> >>> Forgie 1.8t coil mod as expressed by Apikol. Allthe RS2 mods -
> >>> turbo, ECU, EM, injectors. Stromungexhaust. Big FMIC, etc.
> >>>
> >>> Bob
> >>>
> >>> And now the follow-up:
> >>>
> >>> There were several suggestions ranging from "don'tworry about it"
> >>> to
> >>> "try some Techron" to "check out theISV" to "uh-oh might be a blown
> >>> head gasket". (Oh joy. :-()
> >>>
> >>> OK, here's what has been done since the firstpost:
> >>>
> >>> Item 1 - a can of Techron has been added to a 3/4 fulltank of fuel
> >>> and about half of it has been burnt.
> >>> Result 1: idle is smoother. Not perfect yet butimproved. (It
> >>> wasn't REAL bad to start with so...) Indicatingpossible dirty
> >>> injector(s). I'm planning on doing the Techronbit again the next
> >>> time I fill the tank.
> >>>
> >>> Item 2 - I pulled and inspected all the NKGplugs.
> >>> Result 2 - They all looked the same - dry and withnormal
> >>> coloration,
> >>> no excessive wear. They looked as good as anyplugs of that age
> >>> in a
> >>> big boost I5. There is a hint of black deposit onthe threaded
> >>> portion of #1 well outside the internals of the enginearea. It
> >>> is a
> >>> little greasy feeling and left a smudge on thefingers.
> >>>
> >>> Item 3 - The symptoms don't seem to indicate ISVtroubles to me so I
> >>> haven't messed with it (yet) - I will if the problempersists.
> >>> Result 3 - none (yet).
> >>>
> >>> Item 4 - While the plugs were out I checked thecompression of each
> >>> cylinder (only one try - no repeated testing andaveraging, cranking
> >>> time was the same for all cylinders twelve pulses percylinder) and
> >>> found:
> >>> Result 4 -
> >>> Cylinder max pressure
> >>> 1 150
> >>> 2 150
> >>> 3 135
> >>> 4 160
> >>> 5 155
> >>>
> >>> Additionally after cranking the gauge was just leftalone while
> >>> still
> >>> connected to the cylinders. The pressure held andthere was no sign
> >>> of leakage - at least not in the short term (a coupleof minutes).
> >>>
> >>> I'm not thrilled with #3 pressure but it is prettyclose to being
> >>> acceptable.
> >>>
> >>> OK, whadya think? Should I be making anappointment with my
> >>> favorite
> >>> independent Audi wrench or should I just quit pickingat nits and
> >>> get a life?
> >>>
> >>> Bob
> >>>
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> >>> S-CAR-List mailing list
> >>>http://audifans.com/mailman/listinfo/s-car-list
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> >
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