[s-cars] guilty, not guilty?
brian hoeft
qweblog at gmail.com
Sun Jul 25 22:09:15 PDT 2010
Well Bill, that sucks. Is it 2010 or 1984?
I would like to add my comments because unfortunately I didnt see my
position posted.
While the [insert collectivist label here] are hard at work in municipal,
county, state and federal jurisdictions to undermine our Constitutional
Republic, that's still the form of government we have. Yes, it looks like a
totalitarian police state more and more, and that's why ive altered my life
in the past few years.
If you're going to argue the *merits* of the allegations before you, youre
likely to lose. sad but true, with good reason. we've (most of us) taken a
right (travel) and licensed it into a priviledge (driving). Rights, creator
endowed, are un-a-lien-able. Priviledges however, granted by our feudal
lords, are revocable and determinable at their discretion.
I have beaten half a dozen or more "traffic" citations in PA and NJ in the
past couple years. The one I lost, I lost because I knew I was right and
went to the merits. The officer lied and I re-realized the error of my ways
and now as a matter of course ALWAYS challenge *Jurisdiction* first.
Here's a few questions we should ask of ourselves and public officials. Mind
you, the black robed devil wont like Lawful questions posed.
Im not aware of any State that issues traffic citations under Civil law,
most, if not all, are Criminal.
Of course, in this Color of Law world we've acquiesced to, officials dont
want to afford us our due process rights under Criminal Jurisdiction, so
Where is the injured party? Proof of damages? Have you done any crime
against LIFE, (kill anyone?) LIBERTY (detain or kidnap anyone against their
will?) PROPERTY(destruction of property?), injured third party (hurt
I could go on but I might have lost everyone already..
Also, I immediately send out a waiver of official immunity regarding Briscoe
v. LaHue where Court held, a defendant in a criminal trial is not entitled
to damages for *perjured testimony by police officers*.!! Not one officer
has yet responded. Then I move to dismiss for lack of credible witness.
Can you call the camera to testify? you have the right to face your accuser
dont you?
Also, I like to bring up Article 3 Section 2 Clause 2 of our Fed.
Constitution to challenge Venue. This one gets 'em flustered, perfect.
Oh, I should clarify a previous comment on the black robed devil. it is
actually quite accurate, not slanderous, or contemptuous, IF, hes 1)wearing
a black robe and 2)being a flase accuser (know greek at all?) ... no, this
comment isnt for heart patients, but its quite an experience to get to
thoroughly explain this to the judge while the baliff expects something
Its getting late&long, and quickly glancing over my post, theres lots to
clarify or elaborate on, but, for me, this is a minor litigation education
tool (traffic court) I am using to prepare myself for litigation in State
and Federal Court to prosecute usurpers of Law. If anyone is interested in
holding our public officials' feet to the [capital L] *L*awful fire, email
me off list and I would be glad to share research resources, personal
testimony,etc, NOT legal advice.
Civil disobedience has its hardships, but freedom is worth fighting for, and
I could not live with myself if I dont exhaust all peaceful remedies for
RESTORATION[not revolution] of our Republic in order to prevent
bloodshed..(if its even preventable at this point).. beacuse I want to have
a family one day in a free Republic.. and because, *some day our judges wont
wear black!
*One more thing Bill, to your middle name comment.. Article 1 Section 10 is
very clear that no State shall make anything but gold and silver coin a
tender in payment of debt.. I as well am kind of glad that they dont demand
payment in gold (?HJR 192 of 1933?), because the Judge will have taken and
filed an Oath.. Well, i find it, and attach it to my motions, reminding
him/her of THEIR obligation. If by chance theres no oath on record!? well..
ive not yet been that fortunate. ...plenty more to add, but im done for now.
activate or abdicate, the future is in our hands,
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:03 AM, bill mahoney <airbil at gmail.com> wrote:
> Moral issues aside, here's a the "mans" video of me in the D2 alleged to
> have run a red to the tune of a hondo US fiat bucks.
> Very bizzare feeling to think back to a crime committed two weeks back when
> I can't remember 10 minutes ago.
> I'll play it out and claim I stopped, but they can't even say who was
> driving.
> Whatcha all say?
> http://flic.kr/p/8kDLsT
> Bill~glad they don't ask for payment in gold~M
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