[s-cars] Turbo oil H2O connections + maf delta

bill mahoney airbil at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 07:32:20 PDT 2010

I have a small but continuing oil leak at the top of the turbo (outlet)
connection.  I hate leaks!
I have a new gasket to install, but IIRC it can still be problematic and I
am contemplating using some hiTemp gasket sealer there.
Anyone have thoughts on how to make this a lasting, non leaking connection?
Fortunately (I think) the bottom connection is okay.
And also, while there, might it be advisable to use some loctite red on the
coolant connection?

For my last digression, FWLIW... about 18 mos. ago, my rs2 maf wire blew and
I changed screens and reinstalled the stock one since I had read that they
"appear" to be the same.  Somewhere along the way I developed a stumble upon
hard acceleration.  Then last week I "stumbled" upon this on Scott Mockry's

 "I have run across a couple of 20V Turbo cars which had a 2224 code stored
inside the ECU and were getting the overboost fuel pump cutout, even though
the boost was only going up to 1.0-1.2 bar.
In the first case this would occur only when the throttle was quickly
floored, and would not happen if the throttle was gradually opened all the
way. In the first case, it ended up being a defective MAF sensor. In the
other case it was only a poor connection at the MAF sensor. "

So anyway, about a year ago I came across a real rs2 maf someone was selling
for $50- USD.  I bought this just to add to my stock parts pile (cause a new
one is $50,000 USD) but never installed because the stock and rs2 were the
same, right.  Well anyway after reading the above, I installed the rs2 and
voila!  Stumble no more.  Thanks you Scott Mockry!

Bill~w/measured air and searching for top kill~M

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