[s-cars] Squealing chipmunks (in dash vent)

Ian Duff iduff at comcast.net
Fri Jun 25 15:38:45 PDT 2010

If memory serves (yeah, right), there's a wee fan in there to get air moving over the sensor. I'd be tempted to use some Pro-Gold before I tried the Kroil. As always, both "more is better", and YMMV.
-Ian Duff.

On 25 Jun, 2010, at 18:17, Robert Myers wrote:

> *This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(r) Pro*
> Hi Y'all,
> My urS6 has started to develop an annoying squeal which sounds like 
> it comes from the little cabin air temperature sensor under the 
> little grille to the right center of the dash.  The chipmunks go to 
> sleep if I stop the HVAC blower.  I suspect that if I could get some 
> decent lubrication in there that my problem would be solved.
> So what's the trick?  Just spray some Kroil into the grille opening 
> and hope it gets to where it needs to be?  Or pull the entire dash to 
> get to the chipmunk nest?  Or?
> Bob
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