[s-cars] Pius... I declare - SHENANIGANS

quattrohead at quattrohead.com quattrohead at quattrohead.com
Tue Mar 9 14:20:00 PST 2010

Of course it can hit 90, I ran a company mule Corolla 1.3 estate up to 
115mph back in 96 or so...was a 16v mind :-D
Fastest ever was Cavalier SRi 8v at 123mph on the M25 but I only did 
about 110mph on the autoban in the 87 coupe quattro MAC

pkrasusky at ups.com wrote:
> SHENANIGANS!  There.  I declared them.  See there's simply *no way* a Pius will hit 90mph (kph for that matter):
> http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/03/08/california.runaway.prius/index.html?hpt=T2
> I'd love nothing more than for all of these's "brains" to take over and mash themselves into smithereens into walls, trees, other Pius', etc.  Utopia will be reached!

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